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A-level AQA DT Product Design Paper 2 June 2024

Couldn’t find a discussion on this paper, how are you guys revising for this paper, there’s so much memorising, stressing

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Reply 1
just gonna do practice papers tbh, we've barely learnt any theory for the last two years so i don't got much to revise
Reply 2
Original post by bluegray
just gonna do practice papers tbh, we've barely learnt any theory for the last two years so i don't got much to revise

Yeah that’s fair, I think everyone’s having this problem of not having enough resources or it not being taught enough in school
Reply 3
Yeah learnt basically naff all for paper 2, just gonna grind past papers if I can be bothered, but I think I'm going in to learn some content on Monday and Tuesday so hopefully that'll be enough... Just gonna wing it atp if it isn't cause paper 1 was nice..
Reply 4
I'm just going to do practice papers too. I'm definitely going to look around the different eras of design and the different designers.
Equally, I am not logging onto this chat after the exam. I did it for the paper 1 chat just to realise i got half the paper wrong 😂
Reply 5
Original post by joewebb
I'm just going to do practice papers too. I'm definitely going to look around the different eras of design and the different designers.
Equally, I am not logging onto this chat after the exam. I did it for the paper 1 chat just to realise i got half the paper wrong 😂

It’s alright mate always got coursework to fall back on .. Ngl the first paper didn’t seem too bad but even if it was the A* on coursework is my saving grace….
Reply 6
Original post by m119.036
It’s alright mate always got coursework to fall back on .. Ngl the first paper didn’t seem too bad but even if it was the A* on coursework is my saving grace….

Exactly, my coursework is a saving point for me to fall back on too. I'm starting to predict some of the topic that might come up in paper 2. Of course no guarantees but i'm revising the topics that haven't come up more than the ones that have. However, Bauhaus has frequently appeared in the last few past papers so I think that's good good one to revise.
Reply 7
what are we predicting the product for section a to be, ngl there's a ladder one in a past paper i've done and that was nice hoping for something like that where it's obvious which is better
Reply 8 Thought I'd pop this in here, been revising this evening for P2 on Wednesday, this video has been a great help, and also the design movements video on this ladies page.
Reply 9
Original post by JustDiv
Couldn’t find a discussion on this paper, how are you guys revising for this paper, there’s so much memorising, stressing

my go to method has been crying and binge watching ms swanepool.
Reply 10
does anyone have access to the whole 2023 paper and if they do could they post it on here?
Reply 11
Original post by maya413
my go to method has been crying and binge watching ms swanepool.

haha me too. Her comments are turned off too, so she doesnt even knwo that she has been a massive help to us all
Reply 12
Original post by Yusra956!
does anyone have access to the whole 2023 paper and if they do could they post it on here?

As spoken about in another student room thread, you can't access the 2023 paper unless you pay a random site for it or ask your teachers for it. Personally, I roughly remembered the questions in the paper, therefore I am basing my revision around the topics that haven't come up in the past few years :smile:
anyone here doing the OCR spec?? i know this is AQA but there doesnt seem to be anyone at the OCR thread😭
Reply 14
Original post by MoDesignss
anyone here doing the OCR spec?? i know this is AQA but there doesnt seem to be anyone at the OCR thread😭 ??? I think this is what your looking for, looks like you already found it
Reply 15
Good Luck everyone for tomorrows exam!
Reply 16
Could anyone tag videos that they r watching or what method are you all doing bc there's literally no videos which have been uploaded recently that could give us tips or help?
Original post by joewebb ??? I think this is what your looking for, looks like you already found it

well yes ofc i found it lol i was seeing if anyone in this thread was OCR bcus not many are in that thread. thanks tho
Reply 18
Original post by jbe_01
Could anyone tag videos that they r watching or what method are you all doing bc there's literally no videos which have been uploaded recently that could give us tips or help?

My favourite Mrs Swanepol 😍 has videos that cover most topics and she uploaded a video her going through a past paper for 1 and 2 she made. There's also theory with simon, his videos are decent and that's pretty much it. Some other channels if you search hard enough with one or two videos but not that great or detailed and not relevant for paper 2.

I also found this channel called Mathematicards so if you struggling with maths, he has recently uploaded videos explaining how to do the maths questions in past papers.
Reply 19
Original post by bbbbbbb87
My favourite Mrs Swanepol 😍 has videos that cover most topics and she uploaded a video her going through a past paper for 1 and 2 she made. There's also theory with simon, his videos are decent and that's pretty much it. Some other channels if you search hard enough with one or two videos but not that great or detailed and not relevant for paper 2.
I also found this channel called Mathematicards so if you struggling with maths, he has recently uploaded videos explaining how to do the maths questions in past papers.

Appreciate it

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