The Student Room Group

Missing conditional offer

So I am currently finishing the Edexel IAL exams and our cohort has had historically difficult exams, grade boundaries shot up by up to 20 marks in some subjects.

I have offers for mechanical engineering at Warwick and Liverpool (firm and insurance) at AAA for Warwick and ABB for Liverpool.

Liverpool asked for an A in either physics or maths while Warwick asks for A in both.

P4 was a terrible exam for me and it’s possible I dropped my maths to a borderline B. Physics exams went really well so I’m hopeful I have in the A in physics but again it’s up in the air. Apart from that I do 4 a levels the other 2 being Spanish and French which are guaranteed As. My question is what my chances are of getting into Warwick if I miss the offer by a tiny amount?

I’d would be frustrating as doing past papers for the other years the papers were way way easier, but the ones we’ve had to sit have such high grade boundaries it has made it really difficult, is this something unis ever take into consideration?

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