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Biology aqa triple chatroom:

Opinions on the exam?? I thought it was chill a few questions I got confused on cuz of the wording but hopefully I get a 9🙏🙏
Original post by Supermaths23
Opinions on the exam?? I thought it was chill a few questions I got confused on cuz of the wording but hopefully I get a 9🙏🙏

i think i messed up i am a grade 9 student, but this paper had me, i hate everything about nature in biology its so boring
Original post by aditya nair12344
i think i messed up i am a grade 9 student, but this paper had me, i hate everything about nature in biology its so boring

same ecology was my weakest topic praying I can still get a 9
Original post by champignon69
same ecology was my weakest topic praying I can still get a 9

i think i didn't good on paper one i think i got like 76-78 so that should push my mark up for paper 2, i hope i got like at least 66, i was so stressed during that test i talked about herbicides killing pests than weeds 💀
Reply 4
Original post by aditya nair12344
i think i messed up i am a grade 9 student, but this paper had me, i hate everything about nature in biology its so boring

FRRR that’s why I prefer learning paper 1 cuz there’s more about anatomy and stuff
Reply 5
Original post by aditya nair12344
i think i didn't good on paper one i think i got like 76-78 so that should push my mark up for paper 2, i hope i got like at least 66, i was so stressed during that test i talked about herbicides killing pests than weeds 💀
So I’m not the only one who forgot what herbicide does I took a guess between insects and weeds and I got it right but idk why I was shaken up by thta
an unofficial mark scheme on the official paper 2 discussion thread

1.1 Change in gene/DNA/chromosomes
1.2 Mutation gives rise to variation, nature selects organisms who are best adapted, to survive and reproduce, passing on desirable alles/genes
1.3 3rd box - Wallace and Darwin
1.4 Hoverfly exibit mimicry , so they look like a wasp , predators think the fly is a wasp and do not attack as they do not want to get stung, hoverfly is not eaten and survives
2.1 Very little oxygen means aerobic bacteria cannot respire to decay material ; low pH means it is too acidic for decaying organisms to survive so no decay ; peat bogs are waterlogged so prevents decay
2.2 34g/m2/year (as only 10% passes to the next level)
2.3 DNA
2.4 Protein
2.5 Destruction of habitats for plants ; peat used as fertiliser so it gets decayed by decomposers on the farm releasing greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming so temp increases ; peat burnt for fuel which releases greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming so temp increase
3.1 using a better measuring device to get 10dm3 like a large measuring cyclinder ; collect water and then do not return the tadpoles before second collection ; collect at the same depth
3.2 6
3.3 and
3.4 The line of best fit was a curve and they will give you ecf for 3.4; i got 36.7%
3.5 O2 concentration got too low ; tadpoles eaten by predators ; nutrients in pond were too low
4.1 so seedlings are not affected by light intensity
4.2 box 3 and 4
4.3 to make sure gravity is actually the thing affecting the root growth as B cancels out gravity / gravity is the same at all points in B as it is rotating
4.4 hard to do here but basically a root going straight and then down and the ink lines should have more space between them than original as they have elongated
4.5 it would go straight
4.6 auxins inhibit root growth ; so auxins gather on the lower side of the root inhibiting growth ; upper side grows quicker than lower side so root bends downwards
4.7 weed killers, rooting powder, promoting growth in root cultures
4.8 increase fruit size ; promote flowering (NOT end dormancy)
5.1 hold the ruler right above the hand or 0 cm should be right above the hand ; repeat experiment many times and calculate the mean
5.2 endocrine system is slower ; is uses chemicals instead of electrical signals ; chemicals travel via blood not neurones (of course converse will be accepted)
5.3 tyroxine
5.4 insulin / glucagon
5.5 increased heat rate and breathing rate and rate of respiration ...
5.6 Oral pills which contain oesteogen/progesterone to inhibit FSH so the egg cannot mature and get fertilised ; injection/implant/patch which releases progesterone which inhibits FSH and LH so no maturation of eggs and release of eggs so no eggs can be fertilised ; IUD releases hormones which stop maturation and release of eggs ...... INFERTILITY: FSH/LH are injected which promote egg maturation and release so eggs can be collected and fertilised and put back into the female once it is a viable embryo.
6.1 an allele which is always expressed even if only one copy is present
6.2if they were homozygous dominant which is DD then all children would have the condition but child 5 doesn't
6.3 Person 6 is Dd and Person 7 is dd (sorry cannot do the punnett square but 50% will have the condition)
6.4 CF is caused by a recessive allele ; so people need TWO alleles to have CF ; if 1/50 people have one alleles then if you have both recessive alleles that is a 1/50 x 1/50 chance which is 1/25007.1 80% of 16MJ/kg which chickens get from maize = 0.8 x 16 = 12.8 MJ/kg1 chicken needs 46 MJ so 46 / 12.8 = 3.59375kg maise per chicken in order to grow to full size3.59375 x 1000 chickens = 3593.75kg needed for 1000 chickens10 000m2 can grow 16400 kg maise BUT we need 3593.75kg for our chickens so:10 000m2 = 16400 kgx = 3593.75 kgx = 2191.3m2 or 2190 to 3sf
7.2 cannot draw the pyramid, sorry
7.3 11:21
7.4 egested as faeces ; lost as CO2 or H2O in respiration ; lost as urine ...
7.5 1st box7.6 Leucine can be made by chickens from other substances in food
8.1 regulation of internal conditions ; in response to internal and external stimuli
8.2 PROTEIN - too big to be filtered into the kidneys GLUCOSE - gets filtered into the kidneys from the blood and ALL gets reabsorbed back into the blood (unless you are diabetic) ; UREA gets filtered into the kidneys from the blood and NONE gets reabsorbed back and all goes to the bladder
8.3 ADH is released by the pituitary when the blood is too concentrated (water concentration is low) ; ADH makes kiney tubules more permeable to water so more is absorbed back into the blood so URINE production decreases. However, as there is urea and other substances in a smaller volume of water now, this increases the concentration of urine. (here you will be ok if you explained this the other way round so if there was low ADH)
9.1 Growing GM soya beans - they are resistant to herbicide so they are not killed, this means they can survive and grow which means more yield ----- GM soya beans pass on the alleles for being resistant to other bean crops so all are resistant in the future ---- kills other weeds/plants so less competition for water,minerals,space,light... so able to grow better and more photosynthesis producing more glucose so they grow and make more yield...
9.2 human health effects not fully explored ; the resistant gene could spread to other plants like weeds
(edited 8 months ago)

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