I 19f have been dating my girlfriend 20f since last year. She moved in with me and my parents after only 2 months (she didnt have to pay any rent nor food). She quit school and tried to aply to different apprenticeships. Sadly she didn't get accepted to any of them and started working on her music career. She ended up signing up to be a guitar teacher. (she didnt have students back then though) On new years we went to visit her parents and celebrated together. When we wanted to get back home at my place, a huge fight struck out between my parents and me. My girlfriend and I decided to move in with her parents and start a new life, new jobs, basically a restart in all of this. After a month i got lucky and got a job that I really enjoy. My girlfriend didn't get lucky and continued looking for 5 months. Or so I thought.
A month ago I asked her how the job hunt was going and she told me she applied for this one job she found that day. I asked her about it and she told me it was a bakery in like another town (something along those lines). i asked her if she can show me the ad. She got nervous and showed me the site, but without any ad of a bakery or anything in another town. She admitted to me later that she lied to me and didn't apply that day to anything. Nor anything in the past 5 months. l
Like around maybe 5-10 jobs in total.
I'm really upset. During this, ive payed around 3'500 bucks to her parents for rent. And for context her parents and i don't even get along anymore, because of multiple fights. Her parents have asked me to loan a car for them, and borrow them a lot of money. (I didn't end up loaning a car for them and only payed them rent, also my gf's healthcare)
I've tried so hard to work and save up to get out of her parents home, but hearing her admit that she hasn't been looking for jobs, broke my heart. She stays home everyday, I'm sad she couldn't take 30 minutes out of the day to look for a job.
I feel like i have to clarify that her mental health isn't doing too well. She has really bad depression.
I feel like she does really love me though, she always cooked meals for me to take to work. We get along well, like really well when talking about interest and stuff but I just can't keep living here like this. And it doesn't feel like shes making any efforts. Like she has only applied to jobs when I showed her some ads. We both clean our room, but I do the deep cleaning like dusting the tables, cleaning the dirt, vacuuming, changing the bedsheeths...
all in short:
My gf hasn't found a job in over 6 months. I've been paying rent and dealing with her horrible parents. She then lied to me about signing up for jobs.
I don't know what to do.