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weimar germany gcse help pls😭

im literally so lost on the whole "how did hitler become chancellor" thing with von sleicher and papen and the coalition... can someone pls explain it to me im dumb
I do a level history but do the exactly same thing, so what happened is Schleicer government fell, this then led to Von papen covincing Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor, previously last year he rejected a role as vice chancellor putting emphasis on the point he wanted full control. He became chancellor in 1932, with Von Pappen using the phrase we 'hired him' to emphasise that he believed he could control Hitler. Hitler's power grew and when Hindenburg died he declared himself as the Fuhrer. Any other questions?
Original post by imhomo2017
im literally so lost on the whole "how did hitler become chancellor" thing with von sleicher and papen and the coalition... can someone pls explain it to me im dumb

So basically the simple way to describe it is that von papen (who was right wing) and president hindenburg make a deal to let Hitler be chancellor because they thought they could easily control him like a puppet. However, the were wrong and after Hindenburg died, Hitler took complete control as the Fuhrer. Hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else!
Original post by saraalegria
So basically the simple way to describe it is that von papen (who was right wing) and president hindenburg make a deal to let Hitler be chancellor because they thought they could easily control him like a puppet. However, the were wrong and after Hindenburg died, Hitler took complete control as the Fuhrer. Hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else!
This is all part of political manoeuvring, and links to Hitler creating a polycratic state manipulating other politicans
Does everyone here do History?
Original post by LeoHockey123!
Does everyone here do History?

I do, and I would like to ask you smth. I am planning on doing A-level law, politics and French. But I would love to do history. Is it worth it? Should I do it? I am quite good at history GCSE and I really enjoy it, I revise it every day
Original post by saraalegria
I do, and I would like to ask you smth. I am planning on doing A-level law, politics and French. But I would love to do history. Is it worth it? Should I do it? I am quite good at history GCSE and I really enjoy it, I revise it every day

I like it, if you enjoy it you should do it how have your history exams gone so far. They are good a level choices
Original post by LeoHockey123!
I like it, if you enjoy it you should do it how have your history exams gone so far. They are good a level choices

My history exams have all gone quite well. Crime and punishment wasn’t fantastic but overall it was okay and so was paper 2. Paper 3 is on Tuesday
Weimar government
Following elections in January 1919, a national assembly met in the city of Weimar to from a interim party, the largest party in the assembly was the SPD which had won 38 per cent of the vote.
The main features of the constitution
A president was to be elected every seven years by universal suffrage, with the power to select and dismiss the chancellor who formed the government, everyone over 20
The president was supreme commander of the armed forces
The president had emergency powers under article 48
The chancellor had to report to Reichstag and would be dismissed if they were unpopular by the Reichstag
Elections were to be carried by proportional representation, and you needed 6000 votes to get a seat
The bills of rights
Certain of rights were guaranteed within the Weimar government including, freedom of speech, association and religion, the right to work, workers were given protection from the state
Democratic features
There was president instead of a monarch
There was universal suffrage
The government was accountable to Reichstag unlike in the 2nd Reich
Proportional representation was a democratic system, the amount of seats reflected the view of the people
The bill of rights also helped to ensure that it was a democratic system, allowing political expression, trade union, pressure groups
Emergency provisions
Under Article 48- The president had the right to rule presidential decree
Criticisms of the Weimar constitution
Has been criticised by giving the president too much power under article 25 and 48
Led to unstable coalitions due to proportional representation
Also meant small extremist parties could gain representation and exposure
Who were the supporters of the Weimar constitution
Pro Weimar parties included the SPD, Zentrium party, DDP, these parties won a majority in the 1919 election.
Opponents to the Weimar constitution
The right wing parties support shifted during the Weimar constitution
Many industrialists and business owners thought it wasn’t in there interest as it protected workers
The legacy of the first world war
Loss in WW1, some groups of German society blamed the politicians involved in the defeat calling them the ‘November criminals’
The treaty of versailes helped to furthur the narrative from the right that the leaders of the weimar
The treaty of versailes
Germany armned were restircted 100,000 men in the army
Only six battleships were permitted
Germany lost territory most notably the Rhineland was demiltralised
Union with Austria, Anschulcs was banned
Economic crisis 1918-1923
In 1923, many of the politicaland econmic problems of weimar government reached crisis point as inflation spiralled out of control, and the German industrial region of the ruhr, the Nazi’s made their first attempt to overthow democracy.
Wartime and demobilsartion inflation
The first world war left Germany with high inflation, much of the cost of the war had been increased the money supply and Germany continued to decline.
Wartime shortages also led to an increase in price, government expenditure remained high due to the cost of supporting injured soldiers.
From 1921, the problem increased when reparations payments commenced, the main problem was reparations had to be paid in gold and foreign currency.
Tried to expands reparations in 1922, the allies refused, by 1923 Germany was failing to meet reparations obligations.
The Ruhr crisis 1923
In january 1923, the French and Belgian goverments responded to German’s failure to pay reparations by ordering the invasion of the ruhr. The armies occupied factories and seized raw matrials. German used passive resitance, and aftewards compensated owners for lost revenue adding to the expenditure.
Inflation, which was already prodfound problem following the war, ran out of control due to the Ruhr crisis. The mark became worthless, as the government printed money. In april 1919, one Us dollar was 12 marks, now it had increased to 4.2 billion. The new leader Gustav Stresmann in his early days as German chancellor stuggled to resolve the situration, and the failed Nazi invasion just put more pressure on the government to sort out the desparate situation.
What is all the content, do you do Nazi Germany and East/west Germany as well
Reply 10
Original post by LeoHockey123!
I do a level history but do the exactly same thing, so what happened is Schleicer government fell, this then led to Von papen covincing Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor, previously last year he rejected a role as vice chancellor putting emphasis on the point he wanted full control. He became chancellor in 1932, with Von Pappen using the phrase we 'hired him' to emphasise that he believed he could control Hitler. Hitler's power grew and when Hindenburg died he declared himself as the Fuhrer. Any other questions?

what is the sleicher government like why did he have that/what is it? why did papen want to control hitler or is that not important?
Original post by imhomo2017
what is the sleicher government like why did he have that/what is it? why did papen want to control hitler or is that not important?

Sliecher govenrment just showed instability that is all you need to know and it shows Von Papen underestimating Hitler as a leadee showing that him and Hindenburg were overly confident. Any more questions?
Reply 12
Original post by LeoHockey123!
Sliecher govenrment just showed instability that is all you need to know and it shows Von Papen underestimating Hitler as a leadee showing that him and Hindenburg were overly confident. Any more questions?

what kind of question do you think i could be asked about this?
Original post by imhomo2017
what kind of question do you think i could be asked about this?

Sorry i don't know i do A level not GCSE look at past papers surely your teacher has given you examples
Reply 14
oh alr, thank you so much for your help!! ^_^

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