I recently moved in a house with a younger guy with whom I have no previous affiliations. The guy is superficially nice, but has been inviting guests over and occupying the living room almost every night since he moved in. I had had enough of it last night when I could hardly cook or relax in the living room being occupied by them.
I see it as a violation of my space when strangers constantly occupy the living room, a security risk when there is no lock on the door of my bedroom...more so, I am entitled to have unrestricted access to facilities in the house and that guests, who pay nothing to be here, cannot be prioritised over me.
I contacted the landlord about this regarding the enforcement of relevant clauses in the lease. The reason I didn't speak to my flatmate directly is that I neither wanted to start an argument nor was able to get over the past experience that people got defensive when being criticised under 90% circumstances.
Did I take things too far? Or it's an unavoidable choice of action?