The Student Room Group

Summarise your day using a picture/meme/gif

^ thread title

I'll go first

apparently getting undergrad uni classification grade next week, so that's fun :bricks:
How about y'all? :grouphugs:
(edited 8 months ago)
Reply 1
chemistry AND law tomorrow is not fun for alevels
Original post by Jgp_34
chemistry AND law tomorrow is not fun for alevels

ouch, :goodluck: :hugs: I'm guessing one in the morning and one in the afternoon?
Don't forget to try and get some sleep tonight! :sleep:
Reply 3
Original post by Chronoscope
ouch, :goodluck: :hugs: I'm guessing one in the morning and one in the afternoon?
Don't forget to try and get some sleep tonight! :sleep:

Yep. Chemistry (My worst subject) and Contract Law (Extremely long topic with many fine details to remember)

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