I feel chronically low and lonely. Whenever I do something enjoyable I'm only happy for a short period of time then seem to fall into an even deeper state of unhappiness because it's over.
I feel like I'm achieving highly and reaching my potential so I don't know why I'm unhappy so much of the time. I achieved a first in my undergrad and have been admitted to an Oxbridge college to study for a masters but I can't help feeling 'what is it truly worth when I have no-one who loves me.'
I've been on several dates but I feel like I end up sabotaging them by feeling like I'm either not good enough for them or, conversely, they're not interesting or good enough for me
I feel so unfulfilled in relationships. I hardly ever see my friends who mean the world to me. It's hard enough to get someone on a first date before even considering a second. I haven't had sex in literal
years such that I think I've completely forgotten what any form of intimacy actually feels like.
I'm only 23 but I feel like I'm just wasting the best years of my life.
Sorry, this is such a trauma dump but I really needed to get some of it off my chest. What do I do though? Do I seek out new friends? Delete tinder and trust that 'the one' will come along sooner or later? I feel so stuck