The Student Room Group

Requirements for pharmacy

Hey do you guys think I have a chance of getting into London unis for pharmacy e.g UCL, KCL

Alevel predicted. - A*AB with the B in chemistry, however if I do good in my next exam I can bump that up to an A.

Also if anyone is thinking of applying to/ or have applied already, what more do you think I should do to strengthen my application??
(edited 8 months ago)
Hi, I think you will have a change, as you already meet the AAB asked for KCl, I applied with a distinction star, A starr for biolgoy and A for chemistry - as you do 3 alevels i think you have a high chance.

I got an offer and already going to UCL

Also the interviews are more focused when they select who to offer - so its good to remember the values both KCL and UCl love it
Reply 2
Original post by Chemistrythriv
Hi, I think you will have a change, as you already meet the AAB asked for KCl, I applied with a distinction star, A starr for biolgoy and A for chemistry - as you do 3 alevels i think you have a high chance.
I got an offer and already going to UCL
Also the interviews are more focused when they select who to offer - so its good to remember the values both KCL and UCl love it

Congrats on your offer!! And also thank you for the help. What made you choose UCl over others? I really want to attend UCL as I’ve heard it’s good, so I want to hear the opinions of other iykwim??
I chose ucl as their examinations process is quite nice, but for pharmacy they send you literally all over london for different modules can be abit hectic and costs for transportation is so much for me rn, but i heard kcl is nice also ucl if very good for research pharmacy.
Reply 4
Original post by Chemistrythriv
I chose ucl as their examinations process is quite nice, but for pharmacy they send you literally all over london for different modules can be abit hectic and costs for transportation is so much for me rn, but i heard kcl is nice also ucl if very good for research pharmacy.
Thank you so much!! That was really helpful to know
Original post by Chemistrythriv
I chose ucl as their examinations process is quite nice, but for pharmacy they send you literally all over london for different modules can be abit hectic and costs for transportation is so much for me rn, but i heard kcl is nice also ucl if very good for research pharmacy.

is there an entry exam for pharmacy at UCL? is it like UCAT? and when do they take place?
Reply 6
Original post by shalomelise_x
is there an entry exam for pharmacy at UCL? is it like UCAT? and when do they take place?

they're online and done before interviews (might determine who gets an interview). they're quite simple, nothing to stress over or prepare for. interview defo holds more weight - make sure you are passionate and know about pharmacy. applied this year and going to ucl too x
(edited 8 months ago)
Original post by kkskekejj
they're online and done before interviews (might determine who gets an interview). they're quite simple, nothing to stress over or prepare for. interview defo holds more weight - make sure you are passionate and know about pharmacy. applied this year and going to ucl too x

thank you sm! so would you do these tests after you have applied to ucl?
Reply 8
Original post by shalomelise_x
thank you sm! so would you do these tests after you have applied to ucl?

yup! they'll email to confirm they've got your application and then email you again about the test date and what you need to do.
Original post by kkskekejj
yup! they'll email to confirm they've got your application and then email you again about the test date and what you need to do.

TYSMMM!! really appreciate it
Reply 10
Original post by shalomelise_x
TYSMMM!! really appreciate it

no worries!
Reply 11
It doesnt matter which Uni you get into fr MPharm - its an accredited degree and all degrees have exactly the same syllabus.
The NHS is not going to ask you 'which Uni' - and neither will your future patients.

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