The Student Room Group

Rejecting Newcastle partners offer

I’m in year 12 and I want to apply to the Newcastle partners programme for medicine say I do get an offer but I get an offer from a different uni I want to go to can I reject the partners offer and not firm Newcastle?
If you like the other uni then go for it! but if u primarily want to go to Newcastle for partners will it be worth it? I'm sure you'll get it worked out.
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
If you like the other uni then go for it! but if u primarily want to go to Newcastle for partners will it be worth it? I'm sure you'll get it worked out.

I’m not sure I wouldn’t mind going to Newcastle but the partners programme would mean I have a better chance of getting into medical school however say I firm it js because I want to be safe but then I get an offer from ucl would I still be able to firm ucl? And reject the partners offer
Original post by beverlxyyy
I’m not sure I wouldn’t mind going to Newcastle but the partners programme would mean I have a better chance of getting into medical school however say I firm it js because I want to be safe but then I get an offer from ucl would I still be able to firm ucl? And reject the partners offer
It depends on what ur predicted grades are and your UCAT score. The courses also differ in two different uni's so it's best to see what kind of courses they both do. Since your only in year 12 I'd say get a feel of both uni's (go to open days) and create a pros and cons list for UCL and Newcastle Uni. Newcastle is as less competitive than UCL however if you think you would enjoy studying at Newcastle more and u reach the grade requirements and get into PASS then it'll work out. However, if you want to get into UCL then you would have to get a good UCAT score and good grades with no lower offer. I'm not sure how the UCAT score grading works but it's probably more competitive in UCL than Newcastle.
Reply 4
yes u can unfirm ur newcastle choice and firm ucl within 24 hours after firming newcastle I think? I'm not sure correct me if I'm wrong
(edited 8 months ago)
Original post by Anonymous
I’m in year 12 and I want to apply to the Newcastle partners programme for medicine say I do get an offer but I get an offer from a different uni I want to go to can I reject the partners offer and not firm Newcastle?

U can firm/reject whichever offers and insurance choice once you've received all offers back from all top 5 unis! hope this helps.
Original post by Anonymous
I’m in year 12 and I want to apply to the Newcastle partners programme for medicine say I do get an offer but I get an offer from a different uni I want to go to can I reject the partners offer and not firm Newcastle?

Hi 🙂

A lower contextual PARTNERS offer is conditional on putting Newcastle University as your firm choice and successfully completing the PARTNERS Academic Summer School.

If you put your PARTNERS offer as your insurance choice our Admissions Team would then adjust your offer accordingly. For example, to the standard grades for the course- but this is based on eligibility and is not guaranteed.

I hope this information helps.

Original post by Newcastle University
Hi 🙂
A lower contextual PARTNERS offer is conditional on putting Newcastle University as your firm choice and successfully completing the PARTNERS Academic Summer School.
If you put your PARTNERS offer as your insurance choice our Admissions Team would then adjust your offer accordingly. For example, to the standard grades for the course- but this is based on eligibility and is not guaranteed.
I hope this information helps.

this is a crucial piece of information and shows the value of having an official rep here for the actual medicine school
or, if none, check at source and do your own research
Reply 8
as above, you’d be able to reject the Newcastle offer if you receive others - given how competitive medicine is, it could always be worth applying to Newcastle as well as other places? Additionally, if you meet the criteria for Newcastle partners you could well meet the criteria for conditional offers elsewhere?

At the end of the day, Newcastle has a really good medical school - I don’t think you can go wrong by applying, depending on your UCAT score etc
(edited 6 months ago)
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous
I’m in year 12 and I want to apply to the Newcastle partners programme for medicine say I do get an offer but I get an offer from a different uni I want to go to can I reject the partners offer and not firm Newcastle?

Hey, I’m also interested in medicine but I’ve never heard of this partners programme at Newcastle. Where can I learn more about this?
Original post by zeinab.
Hey, I’m also interested in medicine but I’ve never heard of this partners programme at Newcastle. Where can I learn more about this?

Hi @zeinab.

The PARTNERS Programme is Newcastle University’s supported entry route for UK students. To take part in PARTNERS, you must meet all of the Essential Conditions and at least one of the Eligibility Criteria.

The PARTNERS offer is conditional upon placing Newcastle as your firm choice and successful completion of the PARTNERS Academic Summer School (PASS). PASS is composed of a mixture of on campus and online activities across a week at the end of the summer before you would begin university. It gives an early introduction to higher education, allows you to undertake an academic piece of work and get to know other students on your course.

For more information about how to apply to PARTNERS, please see here.

Hope this helps

Elliott :smile:
Reply 11
Original post by Newcastle University
Hi @zeinab.
The PARTNERS Programme is Newcastle University’s supported entry route for UK students. To take part in PARTNERS, you must meet all of the Essential Conditions and at least one of the Eligibility Criteria.
The PARTNERS offer is conditional upon placing Newcastle as your firm choice and successful completion of the PARTNERS Academic Summer School (PASS). PASS is composed of a mixture of on campus and online activities across a week at the end of the summer before you would begin university. It gives an early introduction to higher education, allows you to undertake an academic piece of work and get to know other students on your course.
For more information about how to apply to PARTNERS, please see here.
Hope this helps
Elliott :smile:

Hi i was wondering if there was any reason for someone being rejected from the PARTNERS programme/ being unsuccessful or does reaching one requirement automatically mean my PARTNERS application is successful?
Original post by oliuuuuu
Hi i was wondering if there was any reason for someone being rejected from the PARTNERS programme/ being unsuccessful or does reaching one requirement automatically mean my PARTNERS application is successful?

Hi @oliuuuuu

Thanks for contacting us.

Applying to PARTNERS is non-competitive. As such, if applicant met all of the Essential Conditions and at least one of the Eligibility Criteria (both listed on the linked webpage), and applied for PARTNERS by the relevant deadline, they would be accepted to PARTNERS. The deadline for all courses apart from Medicine and Dental Surgery for 2025 entry would be the 29th January 2025.

Please note, acceptance into PARTNERS is not confirmation of an offer, the admissions team would also have to review a UCAS application. Additionally, to fulfil the conditions of a PARTNERS offer, an applicant would have to place Newcastle as their firm choice and successfully complete the PARTNERS Academic Summer School (PASS).

I hope this helps 😊

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