The Student Room Group

SOAS Contact Hours

Please could a student at SOAS let me know what the weekly contact hours are for BA International Relations & Law or LLB Law? I’m looking to reduce my working hours to part time and my employer needs to know how much time I would be at uni for.
Original post by booklover101
Please could a student at SOAS let me know what the weekly contact hours are for BA International Relations & Law or LLB Law? I’m looking to reduce my working hours to part time and my employer needs to know how much time I would be at uni for.

Hi there,

All undergraduate students at SOAS take 120 credits per year, if you study a joint degree that would be 60 credits for each subject, those 120 credits will be divided into 30 or 15 credit modules.

In first year International Relations you will study two 30 credit modules meaning your contact hours per week would likely be two 1hr lectures and two 1hr seminar/ tutorials. For Law and the LLB, the structure would be similar but lectures tend to be 2hrs with a 1hr tutorial that follows.

For both degree's it would be likely that you will be in class for around 10hrs per week. As a rough guide, 1 credit equals approximately 10 hours of work. Most of this will be independent study. It will also include class time, which may include lectures, seminars and other classes. Unfortunately you wont know exactly the days and times until the timetables are released later. If you scroll down to the 'Learning and Teaching' section of the course page you will find some course specific information!

Hope this helps,
Caera, Final year BA Japanese and International Relations

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