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Arbitio vs LNAT - it's confusing and stressful

hi everyone, im currently preparing to sit my lnat in August and got an arbitio subscription - i sat the first practice test and got a 17 - however, on the practice test on the actual lnat website, i got a 29. all the unis im interested in applying to are lnat unis (oxford, kcl, lse, ucl/bristol, durham), so i cant afford messing up the lnat. any crucial advice that you guys have, you shall be eternally loved by me. (and also is my arbitio score a reflection of the real deal or no?)

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Reply 1
For exactly this reason, you should have one UCAS choice that doesn't rely on LNAT.
Arbito pride themselves on making their tests way harder than the actual thing. wouldn't recommend paying for anything as it's an aptitude test so not really something you can study for. I just did the practice tests on lnat website and I go to Oxford now
Original post by McGinger
For exactly this reason, you should have one UCAS choice that doesn't rely on LNAT.

which unis in the uk would you say are good choices while not being lnat unis? i really want to get into at least one london school, but im open to changing my ucl option into a non lnat school
Reply 4
London - City Law LLB (Hons) (2025/26) City, University of London
Not London - Nottingham, Manchester, Birmingham
Reply 5
Original post by Username123ab
Arbito pride themselves on making their tests way harder than the actual thing. wouldn't recommend paying for anything as it's an aptitude test so not really something you can study for. I just did the practice tests on lnat website and I go to Oxford now

Thats so amazing, well done you! What werw you GCSE and ALevel grades like? Also what extra/super curriculars did you do? I’d love to know, tysm!
My daughter bought a book of LNAT practice tests (not expensive) and kept on taking them. She ended up scoring 33 and obtained a place at Oxford. In her year, the average score of a successful candidate was 31. Some candidates with lower scores obtained offers, and candidates with higher scores did not, perhaps because of performance at interview or other factors.
Original post by uniplsacceptme
hi everyone, im currently preparing to sit my lnat in August and got an arbitio subscription - i sat the first practice test and got a 17 - however, on the practice test on the actual lnat website, i got a 29. all the unis im interested in applying to are lnat unis (oxford, kcl, lse, ucl/bristol, durham), so i cant afford messing up the lnat. any crucial advice that you guys have, you shall be eternally loved by me. (and also is my arbitio score a reflection of the real deal or no?)

heyy, arbitio is significantly harder than the real thing. i had an arbitio average of 23 and got 31 on the actual exam so i wouldn’t stress.
Original post by Stiffy Byng
My daughter bought a book of LNAT practice tests (not expensive) and kept on taking them. She ended up scoring 33 and obtained a place at Oxford. In her year, the average score of a successful candidate was 31. Some candidates with lower scores obtained offers, and candidates with higher scores did not, perhaps because of performance at interview or other factors.

that's brilliant! how long did the prep take? approx how many months?
Original post by uniplsacceptme
that's brilliant! how long did the prep take? approx how many months?

My daughter started taking practice tests at the end of August and took the LNAT in mid October.

The multiple choice part of the LNAT is marked centrally. Oxford tutors mark the LNAT essays of Oxford candidates. My daughter's essay mark was 76%. The average mark obtained by successful candidates is about 65%.

She had two interviews at her target college, one on a statute and one on a case, each with two tutors.
Original post by evelinner
Thats so amazing, well done you! What werw you GCSE and ALevel grades like? Also what extra/super curriculars did you do? I’d love to know, tysm!

My GCSEs were 999999998 and A levels were A*A*A and for super curriculars I mainly just read books off Oxford's recommended reading list, did a law related EPQ and did an online open university course of European law :smile:
Reply 11
Original post by Stiffy Byng
My daughter bought a book of LNAT practice tests (not expensive) and kept on taking them. She ended up scoring 33 and obtained a place at Oxford. In her year, the average score of a successful candidate was 31. Some candidates with lower scores obtained offers, and candidates with higher scores did not, perhaps because of performance at interview or other factors.

Hi, would you be able to tell me what book this was? I would really appreciate it!
The Ultimate LNAT Guide
I thought testing didn't start until September? Registration opens on the 1st August
Reply 14
Original post by Stiffy Byng
The Ultimate LNAT Guide

Thank you so much!!
Reply 15
There is so much free LNAT prep material out there across different websites.

I had received this from someone quite a while ago.. this may be helpful. Had posted this in a different thread earlier.
This may help.

"The scores in the official tests are the best indicators. Others may be too easy or too hard. So, don't get over-confident or demotivated.

Read all the explanations in the official tests. Watch this video by Jesus College Oxford before you start -

And remember, the most popular ones or the most expensive ones are not always the best ones.

A number of people might be recommending a resource just because of referral rewards.

Try them all before you buy anything; and make your own assessment of which resources are good.

If you don't have the time to make use of the paid resources, perhaps the free resources are good enough for your prep.
suggest practice all the free resources and only then buy the paid ones, if you have time.
- Official source. 3 free tests. (2 pdf and 1 online). All full length. Very very very important. Answers with explanations.
- free sample test with 3 questions. No free full length test.
- 1 free full length online test. 90 essay questions. Good.
(Law-mind, Studymind, Medicmind, oxbridgemind are all same (?).)
- 4 Theme based tests and 4 mini tests. Plenty of questions!. (Most passages have 5 questions each (?), unlike in the LNAT, where there are 6 passages with 3 and 6 passages with 4 questions.)
- 4 free passages with questions (pdf). No online / full-length free test. Answers & explanations are in separate pdf.
- 1 passage, with 4 questions. No full length test.
- 1 full length online test.
- 1 free pdf full-length paper. Answers are immediately below the questions. (A little counter-intuitive).
- 2 passages, 8 questions. meh."
Reply 16
Original post by prangoswa
There is so much free LNAT prep material out there across different websites.
I had received this from someone quite a while ago.. this may be helpful. Had posted this in a different thread earlier.
This may help.
"The scores in the official tests are the best indicators. Others may be too easy or too hard. So, don't get over-confident or demotivated.
Read all the explanations in the official tests. Watch this video by Jesus College Oxford before you start -
And remember, the most popular ones or the most expensive ones are not always the best ones.
A number of people might be recommending a resource just because of referral rewards.
Try them all before you buy anything; and make your own assessment of which resources are good.
If you don't have the time to make use of the paid resources, perhaps the free resources are good enough for your prep.
suggest practice all the free resources and only then buy the paid ones, if you have time.
- Official source. 3 free tests. (2 pdf and 1 online). All full length. Very very very important. Answers with explanations.
- free sample test with 3 questions. No free full length test.
- 1 free full length online test. 90 essay questions. Good.
(Law-mind, Studymind, Medicmind, oxbridgemind are all same (?).)
- 4 Theme based tests and 4 mini tests. Plenty of questions!. (Most passages have 5 questions each (?), unlike in the LNAT, where there are 6 passages with 3 and 6 passages with 4 questions.)
- 4 free passages with questions (pdf). No online / full-length free test. Answers & explanations are in separate pdf.
- 1 passage, with 4 questions. No full length test.
- 1 full length online test.
- 1 free pdf full-length paper. Answers are immediately below the questions. (A little counter-intuitive).
- 2 passages, 8 questions. meh."

Thank you
Much appreciated
Original post by Username123ab
Arbito pride themselves on making their tests way harder than the actual thing. wouldn't recommend paying for anything as it's an aptitude test so not really something you can study for. I just did the practice tests on lnat website and I go to Oxford now

Hi, I happen to be a UK resident and find it hard to obtain feedback for the essay. Any free resources that can provide essay feedback?
Original post by uniplsacceptme
hi everyone, im currently preparing to sit my lnat in August and got an arbitio subscription - i sat the first practice test and got a 17 - however, on the practice test on the actual lnat website, i got a 29. all the unis im interested in applying to are lnat unis (oxford, kcl, lse, ucl/bristol, durham), so i cant afford messing up the lnat. any crucial advice that you guys have, you shall be eternally loved by me. (and also is my arbitio score a reflection of the real deal or no?)

Neither taking the LNAT nor using Arbitio, a commercial product of doubtful utility, is compulsory. If you wish to eliminate the confusion and reduce the stress, bin Arbitio and just do the LNAT. To eliminate the stress, don't take the LNAT, and apply to non-LNAT universities.

If you have already taken the LNAT (you mentioned that you planned to take it in August), I hope that it went well, and wish you good luck in your applications to universities.
(edited 5 months ago)
Reply 19
Original post by Stiffy Byng
Neither taking the LNAT nor using Arbitio, a commercial product of doubtful utility, is compulsory. If you wish to eliminate the confusion and reduce the stress, bin Arbitio and just do the LNAT. To eliminate the stress, don't take the LNAT, and apply to non-LNAT universities.
If you have already taken the LNAT (you mentioned that you planned to take it in August), I hope that it went well, and wish you good luck in your applications to universities.

I also want to apply to Oxford. I've bought arbitio and also have the textbook so hopefully I should do well on the multiple choice section. You said your daughter got 76% on the essay section which is far above the average for Oxford offer holders. Could you give me her tips on the essay because I know it is equally as important as the multiple choice.

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