The Student Room Group

Could anyone help if special considerations is a shout?

So I had my A-level music exam yesterday and also had a hard-out afterwards to taxi for a coach to London. I use a word processor for exams (listening music exams have essays) and they hadn’t set it up and alongside them starting late already because they didn’t have the audio files set up, I started about 45 minutes after we were meant to. Because of my plans I couldn’t take the entire 2 hours 10 minutes which I could’ve had if they started on time and had to finish the time I would’ve done.

I got frustrated and got told they’ll see if special considerations could be put into place because I was unable to take the exam properly because of things outside my control so I guess I’m asking if anyone would know if this is likely to actually happen.
Was there a proper reason why you need to leave at that time and couldn’t stay for another 45 minutes to finish the exam? Sorry if it says in post but I am a bit confused. If you could have stayed then it was your choice not to finish, if there was a set reason and you could not have stayed it is absolutely their fault and you could be entitled to a few extra marks.

This would allow special consideration:
This would not:

It might be that both happened, either way its very much up to the exam board to decide whether you get it but you should ask because you’ve got nothing to loose! Hope this was a bit helpful :smile:
(edited 8 months ago)

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