Why do u dumb myself down for males? I find it very hard to find guys likeable. I like boys and I’m attractived to them of course but I just find them hard to like. I wouldn’t say I’m a 10/10 but I’m decent looking and achieve high grades. Boys do have crushes on me but I actually don’t care😭 I find most so immature and just dirty minded and disgusting. However, I’ve noticed when I find a guy attractive and we get talking, even irl, I’ll dumb myself down and if they say something incorrect I won’t correct them or educate them. I also rarely ever talk to boys because of this. Why am I like this?
One day I would like to get married. But not a silly little boy with a beard, a real man. Provider, kind, gentle, respectful, older. I guess I just don’t want to settle down for less. I’m 17 by the way and plan hopefully to marry in my mid 20s.
So I’m just asking like what do I do? Why am I like this? And how can I get better ?