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Are there any med courses in UCAS Extra?
Reply 2
if you really want to do medicine, make sure you get the right grades this year, take a year out and reapply. it's your best bet and you'll stand a very good chance of getting in next year. a gap year is good..i'm on one at the moment and i'm loving it. there's so much experience and fun to be had
Reply 3
if you dont mind me asking, what are you doing that's medically related for your gap year

it's unlikely for extra
you still have UCAS Extra, and clearing to help you get into uni 4 sept '05.

i guess you have to think of another course besides medicine that you'd be willing to spend the next 3-4 years of YOUR LIFE studying.

I know many people who are going to do a degree in biomedicine, and enter medicine via 'fast-track graduate entry'- i think this knocks 2 years off a degree in medicine, and is only available to those people who have a 2.1 or higher degree classification, and the subject studied was a scientific one (BSc). I'm not exactly sure about this however, because i am not the one who wants to study medicine- but i have been told about it by some relaible friends, so ask around and you may find what your looking for :smile:
Reply 5
thanks for your advice but i dont really want to study biomed and transfer...that's why i only applied to med

i am just not sure what i could do during a gap year which will sway the unis to take me on
Reply 6
if you dont mind me asking, what are you doing that's medically related for your gap year

it's unlikely for extra

i'm a dentistry applicant, but you could spend the year working in a hospital as a health care assistant perhaps. this would give you the chance to gain lots of experience and make lots of money. honestly, it's not a bad idea at all, just as long as you get the grades this resits! go to it'a a forum for med and dental applicants..really helpful
Reply 7
thanks for your advice but i dont really want to study biomed and transfer...that's why i only applied to med

i am just not sure what i could do during a gap year which will sway the unis to take me on

as long as you have the grades and submit an excellent application form, you'll have no problem. you could look into travelling and voluntary/charity work too. it's not over at all. if it's what you want, don't let anything stop you and don't settle for another course. biomed courses and the like should only be considered as a last resort as graduate entry is very competitive
thanks for your advice but i dont really want to study biomed and transfer...that's why i only applied to med

i am just not sure what i could do during a gap year which will sway the unis to take me on

do some kind of voluntary hospital work.
Reply 9

I know many people who are going to do a degree in biomedicine, and enter medicine via 'fast-track graduate entry'- i think this knocks 2 years off a degree in medicine, and is only available to those people who have a 2.1 or higher degree classification, and the subject studied was a scientific one (BSc).

they're already got their GEP offers have they? :wink:

that may be their plan - but easier said than done.. apparently GEP entry is far more competitive than school leaver (Fluffy will no doubt know more.. :hello: ) & 'merely' having a BSc in Biomedicine may not stand up to much against the people with years of experience in a health care setting, or those with masters & even PhDs etc.

I'm not exactly sure about this however, because i am not the one who wants to study medicine- but i have been told about it by some relaible friends, so ask around and you may find what your looking for :smile:

as i understand the type of degree necessary varies from school to school - some are only for health-care science type degrees (Warick?) but others in theory may accept anything.. we have quite a few engineers here!


i've got 4 rejections and do not know why. what should i do as i really do not want a year out

well, the first thing i would want to do is look at why you were rejected.. (to my way of thinking - 1 rejection might be 'unlucky' but more than that suggests there's something lacking in your application) you have no idea?

- were you called for any interviews? what was your performance like here? have you requested feedback?

- were you rejected pre-interview? so, how did your UCAS look - do you have the minimum/good GCSE grades? do you have the necessary A2 predictions? do you have declared AS grades to back this up? how was your PS? did you detail your motivations for medicine sufficiently? did you have enough work experience? voluntary experience? extracurricular activities? positions of responsiblility? hobbies? was your reference good?

then, re. what should you do.. well, decide whether you really want to do medicine would be a good start?

if you don't want a year out - then decide if you do want to go to uni or not & if so, to do what..? then start looking at Extra, Clearing courses etc.

but, NB - a year out now to strengthen your medical application, earn some money etc. could save you a year of study (assuming you got into a GEP programme anyway, quite a few grads go for 5 year courses) & quite some debt - check the LEA/student loan funding situation for a second degree.. & most GEP courses are too intense for part-time work, AFAIK.

hope this may help. :smile:
Reply 10
thank you very much elles and va va voom

they were all pre-interview and i have no idea why i was 3A*, 8A...I didnt declare my AS grades but got 2A and 2B..predicted 3A for A2

AFAIK i have done everything you can to 'show-off' from sports, academics, work experience

all i can think of is that my personality may have come out wrong or my teachers reference wasn't that good...who knows

would volunteering once a week suffice as I want to be earning money throughout the week
Reply 11
btw, you can get your reference from UCAS if your school didn't show you. costs you £10 but well worth it, if u got rejected from 4 places.

newcastle entered ucas extra last year apparently, so go for that!
Reply 12
cheers bilal

is that for the newcastle campus?

which other unis are in extra?
Reply 13
i'm not sure... i just heard that newcastle were the only uni to enter ucas extra last year.
Reply 14
Very few uni's enter UCAS Extra - Don't place hope on this.

Very few, in fact no uni's enter clearing, at least not in the last year.

Your most realistic options:

- graduate entry
- re-application for 2006 entry
- studying abroad
Reply 15
Mad Caddie

Very few, in fact no uni's enter clearing, at least not in the last year.

I got told Newcaslt entered last year for med?
Reply 16
I got told Newcaslt entered last year for med?

hmm, i've heard the places have normally been filled by ~ 11am results day though.

Mad Caddie were those options in order? if the Wizzz wants definitely wants to do medicine i'd definitely place a gap year & reapplication above pinning hopes on graduate entry & having to go through a whole UG degree first with the pressure of pretty much needing a first/high 2:i, as well as sustained voluntary & work exp with all the competition graduate entry has.. especially with the financial implications.

original poster

they were all pre-interview and i have no idea why i was 3A*, 8A...I didnt declare my AS grades but got 2A and 2B..predicted 3A for A2

AFAIK i have done everything you can to 'show-off' from sports, academics, work experience

all i can think of is that my personality may have come out wrong or my teachers reference wasn't that good...who knows

hmm, pre interview, hence UCAS form problem. where did you apply? GCSEs seem average to good for most places i'd imagine.. likewise the 3A prediction. what's your third subject? (other than bio/chem i assume)

as people have said - ask UCAS for a copy of your whole application to see what your reference was like?

or, perhaps re look at your PS?

would volunteering once a week suffice as I want to be earning money throughout the week

with regards to the GAP year.. volunteering once a week sound like a good start.. but i'm sure with a whole year you could do even more than that! don't underestimate how mind-numbing 9-5 money earning jobs can be..! you might want to look into some travelling/volunteering abroad/getting a hospital job. etc as well - which although you might earn less in total, i should imagine you'd still be in profit, plus the year would be more interesting (& impressive on a PS!)
Reply 17
i've got 4 rejections and do not know why. what should i do as i really do not want a year out

It is unlikely that you will be able to get into medicine with out taking a gap year. I think your best bet would be to work really hard to get your A2 grades then start doing lots of volentary work and hospital work expriance. Start on your personal statement now. Just try and do all that you can to make sure that you suceed next year.
Reply 18
I know two people who got through to Uni via Clearing. They were predicted straight A's, no offers but got in through clearing.

Don't give up!
Reply 19
I know two people who got through to Uni via Clearing. They were predicted straight A's, no offers but got in through clearing.

Don't give up!

Out of wonder which university did they get into.