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Personal Statement Help for Social Work at Uni (URGENT)

im doing a btec couse in health and social work and i want to do social work in uni. I havent seen anyone pick it. does anyone have advice on what to put on my personal statement
Reply 1
Original post by lolemsrachel
im doing a btec couse in health and social work and i want to do social work in uni. I havent seen anyone pick it. does anyone have advice on what to put on my personal statement

If you go onto Ucas there is a personal statement builder that could help you to make one if you are struggling.
Reply 2
Original post by lolemsrachel
im doing a btec couse in health and social work and i want to do social work in uni. I havent seen anyone pick it. does anyone have advice on what to put on my personal statement

I personally wrote about everything I've done basically and then included books or podcasts I listened to to help me understand the pros and cons of social work ngl all of the unis I applied to told me during my interview that they haven't read my ps and that I could mention thing if I want them to know so if you don't end up putting everything you still have the opportunity to tell them during the interview
Original post by lolemsrachel
im doing a btec couse in health and social work and i want to do social work in uni. I havent seen anyone pick it. does anyone have advice on what to put on my personal statement

For my personal statement I wrote about myself, and why I wanted to study social work, achievements and how they contribute to a social work
Reply 4
Original post by niams
I personally wrote about everything I've done basically and then included books or podcasts I listened to to help me understand the pros and cons of social work ngl all of the unis I applied to told me during my interview that they haven't read my ps and that I could mention thing if I want them to know so if you don't end up putting everything you still have the opportunity to tell them during the interview

Did you have a central theme? Im mainly focusing on talking about safeguarding and social justice along with my achievements and other things. Is that okay?
Reply 5
Original post by lolemsrachel
Did you have a central theme? Im mainly focusing on talking about safeguarding and social justice along with my achievements and other things. Is that okay?

I've done a lot of volunteering so I mentioned that and then I focused on showing versatility. I would advise you to focus on how ur BTEC has helped you in developing skills but also on how you can use it in social work this is what I wrote

My contribution to research projects, group debates, and writing essays while studying psychology has aided the development of my analytical and critical thinking as well as my ability to listen and appreciate other people's opinions. These skills are essential for social workers to resolve complex cases. Studying sociology has given me a deeper understanding of the workings of society: the issues that various subcultures face, and how these things might alter their perspective on life. The foundation of knowledge I have gained from my A-levels, I believe, has prepared me for the type of cases I could encounter as a social worker and the skills to successfully manage them. I further researched social cases by listening to podcasts like
Reply 6
Thank you for this!!! If you dont mind me asking l, what university do you study at? I really want to go to University of Birmingham but im not sure how strict they are especially since iam doing a btec and not alevel
(edited 7 months ago)
Original post by lolemsrachel
im doing a btec couse in health and social work and i want to do social work in uni. I havent seen anyone pick it. does anyone have advice on what to put on my personal statement

FYI, I've moved this to the Personal Statement Advice forum, and made the title a little more informative.
Original post by lolemsrachel
Thank you for this!!! If you dont mind me asking l, what university do you study at? I really want to go to University of Birmingham but im not sure how strict they are especially since iam doing a btec and not alevel

I think realistically, it will be fine, cause doing health and social care does interlink with social work. But it should be fine

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