I was recently asked out by a friend from uni.
We've shared some classes and were in the same sports club with a group of friends, and we got along really well. He started texting me start of the summer (he lives in the city where we go to uni; I have a summer job there) asking about meeting up and he kind of soft-launched asked me out to dinner. I politely declined, saying I was flattered but not interested. He played it off saying that he thought I liked him, however it's been really awkward trying to contact him afterwards; he's been kind of sullen/not responding when I have asked to meet. It doesn't help that I apparently come across as really flirtatious when I text and I am a very affectionate person (it's literally just how I am), so I'm afraid that I may have accidently led him on.
I don't know if he actually likes me. I've never liked him romantically, but I know a lot of people who do. We're living in the same block of flats next year too with friends. I really don't want to lose him as a friend, especially as it took me ages to find a friend group at uni but it's made me uncomfortable trying to text/meet up with him.
What do I do?