I have two exams left and for reference, I take french, spanish and music tech btec.
For the languages, we're marked on various components, the speaking exam, the reading, listening, translation exam and the essay exam.
When we get our final results on aug 15, will we see the marks we got for each component??
How does grading work?? Each exam has a threshold of marks you need to reach a certain grade. I'm aiming for A* in both (hopefullyyyyy!!!!!).
What would the minimum amount of marks be to get an A*? Would I need an A* in all 3 components ??? Or could I get an A* in two components but enough marks in total to balance it out to push me over the A* for another component ???
Last year, the grade boundaries for A* in french (eduqas) were:
speaking: 57/60
rlt: 81/100
essays: 37/40
Would it just be 175/200 total marks to get an A*???