In 2008 I undertook a degree in Environmental Science and was lucky enough to be able to graduate and get a job in this area. Unfortunately 3 years in I had a car accident and then another one in 2016 which finished my health off and rendered me unable to work so I was medically retired. Since then I have paid this year to do a foundation course in Herblism and done really well so I asked Student Finance if they would help me pay for a degree in this area under disabled student finance and was told no they would only help me if u did a degree in midwifery, social work, doctor, nurse and teacher. I tried to explain if such a degree was achievable for me I would just got back to my old degree subject area but I have Brain Atrophy which affects my whole brain making my intelligence not at the level it was. I came away really upset that the only way I can do another course is to self fund but with all my other expenses including paying for some of my care we just can’t afford it. Is there any way around this or does anyone know if I could get other funding please.