The Student Room Group

What should I do during the holidays after gsce

I’m already bored, can you guys recommend a bunch of stuff to do, they can be very random I don’t mind
watch movies and tv shows, go out w friends
Go to town on preparing yourself for independent adult life.

Open a bank account.
Take on the food shopping and cooking for the whole family.
Get into nutrition as a side hobby.
Find out about good social skills and go out and practise them.
Find out about sales skills.
Start an ethical business.
Go on adventures and mini adventures. Such as visiting lots of free or nearly free places within 2 hours of where you live.
Do the car servicing or repairs on the family cars.
Decorate or renovate sections of your home, either the inside or outside bits.
Get in-demand high tech skills. Maybe as part of creating your business.
Listen to self-improvement stuff as you're doing manual labour type tasks.
Audit your life. Keep asking yourself "What else?" What else can I do with my time apart from what I'm doing. If there's something better; do that.
Buy and set up a 3D printer
Thanks guys!
Original post by shin_noodles
I’m already bored, can you guys recommend a bunch of stuff to do, they can be very random I don’t mind

you could take trips out to things like Thorpe park with your mates or you could go on holiday. You could go to the gym or play some sports like tennis or go swimming. Learn to play a musical instrument or you could just chill nobody would blame you after all it's the end of an era. If you have a little money you could go to a music festival i think reading still has some tickets on sale.

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