The Student Room Group

Applying for accommodation Sheffield

I applied through the website a 3 weeks ago (choosing Endcliffe/City and catered/self catered)but haven’t heard anything back yet. Should I have got an update on choosing my flat or should I keep waiting?
If the self selection has ended then you won't hear back until results day
Original post by Anonymous
I applied through the website a 3 weeks ago (choosing Endcliffe/City and catered/self catered)but haven’t heard anything back yet. Should I have got an update on choosing my flat or should I keep waiting?


If you are unsure, it worth calling up our accommodation services to confirm that you have a flat selected as when I underwent the process in the portal, I was able to see the exact room I would be staying in and the names of my other flatmates.

This is the contact number: +44 114 222 4488

Hope that helps!
Reply 3
Original post by University of Sheffield Students
If you are unsure, it worth calling up our accommodation services to confirm that you have a flat selected as when I underwent the process in the portal, I was able to see the exact room I would be staying in and the names of my other flatmates.
This is the contact number: +44 114 222 4488
Hope that helps!
Hi I used the link created an account and made an application choosing room preferences like en-suite/cify and then is says application complete. Have I used the wrong link. I also made the account before I accepted my offer so has that messed it up. If you can’t answer these don’t worry I’ll call up the accom office. Thanks

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