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English Literature/Language NEA Coursework

I was looking to use the TV show This Country for my non-literary text, but couldn’t think of a book literary text to compare it to.
Does anyone know any good books about gangs, poverty and living in rural villages,
Thanks :smile:
Reply 1
Original post by millielowd
I was looking to use the TV show This Country for my non-literary text, but couldn’t think of a book literary text to compare it to.
Does anyone know any good books about gangs, poverty and living in rural villages,
Thanks :smile:

For gangs and poverty: A Clockwork Orange

Poverty: anything by Charles Dickens really but especially Little Dorrit and Great Expectations for the comparison between poor and rich. Also The Nether World explores poverty in London.

Rural villages: Jane Eyre (countryside), Wuthering Heights (countryside), North and South (a person’s move from countryside to city)

If you want violence in rural villages, you could look at gothic books such as: Rebecca (psychological manipulation), Frankenstein, Dracula

Looking up the TV show (I haven’t watched it) I thought immediately of The Open Air by Richard Jeffries. It isn’t a book, but a collection of essays, so check with your teacher. It is meant to be an observation on poverty and countryside life, but is actually quite biased.
Reply 2
Original post by waffelton

For gangs and poverty: A Clockwork Orange

Poverty: anything by Charles Dickens really but especially Little Dorrit and Great Expectations for the comparison between poor and rich. Also The Nether World explores poverty in London.

Rural villages: Jane Eyre (countryside), Wuthering Heights (countryside), North and South (a person’s move from countryside to city)

If you want violence in rural villages, you could look at gothic books such as: Rebecca (psychological manipulation), Frankenstein, Dracula

Looking up the TV show (I haven’t watched it) I thought immediately of The Open Air by Richard Jeffries. It isn’t a book, but a collection of essays, so check with your teacher. It is meant to be an observation on poverty and countryside life, but is actually quite biased.
Brilliant thank you so much 📕📕

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