Hi, I just booked the UCAT and 70 pounds was taken from me but when I go onto my account it says You do not have any appointments scheduled and when I check my receipts there was nothing. So is it fine or not
Hi, I just booked the UCAT and 70 pounds was taken from me but when I go onto my account it says You do not have any appointments scheduled and when I check my receipts there was nothing. So is it fine or not
Have you checked your emails? When I was booking the screen froze , had a notification on phone that money had been taken and checked emails where there was a confirmation Kept getting signed out while booking it so it’s been a mission!
Ok thank you, I didn't get an email and when I went on my account it said that I had no receipts. When u went on ur account is that what happened
When I paid for the test, the screen went blank and did not redirect to a confirmation screen. It was trying to load for what seemed ages so I checked my email on another device and the confirmation was there and when I reloaded the screen I could see the appointment
Hope you all get it sorted Was a bit shocked at only having the choice of Saturdays all of august and two other dates.. also thought there would have been a choice of times … 8am start