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Protecting myself at uni

Hey this might be all over the place. I’m on interruption from Exeter uni for medical reasons. I made the mistake of going back with my family to spend the rest of my interruption. My mum is adamant that I shouldn’t return to Exeter uni and I found out she said she’ll do anything to stop me from going back there. She’s threatened to go so far as to have me sectioned if I don’t listen to her and I know it’ll hinder my mental progress. I’m thinking of contacting uni to ask if I can remove her from trusted contacts or whatever but I’m scared. I don’t know where to start or who to contact.
You should definitely contact the uni, I would also try and stay with friends if possible. Any doctor worth his degree will not section you without examining you first and making that decision. You should try and leave your house, get uni to remove her from contacts and next year I would declare your estranged from her in your student finance application and not go home until she's mentally sound, because to me she sounds like she should be sectioned.
I would speak to your personal tutor.

Unless your parents have been specifically added as contacts at someone point, the uni should not be disclosing anything or taking action on their instructions.
Reply 3
Original post by Admit-One
I would speak to your personal tutor.
Unless your parents have been specifically added as contacts at someone point, the uni should not be disclosing anything or taking action on their instructions.
I don't know if I still can as of now because I'm technically not a student whilst on interruption, but I can try contacting the student's union.
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
You should definitely contact the uni, I would also try and stay with friends if possible. Any doctor worth his degree will not section you without examining you first and making that decision. You should try and leave your house, get uni to remove her from contacts and next year I would declare your estranged from her in your student finance application and not go home until she's mentally sound, because to me she sounds like she should be sectioned.
I'm working on moving out of the place I'm staying with a relative, hopefully that will be soon.
Original post by Anonymous
Hey this might be all over the place. I’m on interruption from Exeter uni for medical reasons. I made the mistake of going back with my family to spend the rest of my interruption. My mum is adamant that I shouldn’t return to Exeter uni and I found out she said she’ll do anything to stop me from going back there. She’s threatened to go so far as to have me sectioned if I don’t listen to her and I know it’ll hinder my mental progress. I’m thinking of contacting uni to ask if I can remove her from trusted contacts or whatever but I’m scared. I don’t know where to start or who to contact.

Db skib
Original post by Anonymous
I don't know if I still can as of now because I'm technically not a student whilst on interruption, but I can try contacting the student's union.

Yes, if your personal tutor can't assist you whilst you are on interruption then your SU might be able to give advice.

Some unis might make outbound contact to your family if there are health concerns, (some require your specific opt-in to do this - it's a bit of a contentious topic at the moment), but your family shouldn't be able to make inbound contact and request any action from the uni.
Original post by Anonymous
Hey this might be all over the place. I’m on interruption from Exeter uni for medical reasons. I made the mistake of going back with my family to spend the rest of my interruption. My mum is adamant that I shouldn’t return to Exeter uni and I found out she said she’ll do anything to stop me from going back there. She’s threatened to go so far as to have me sectioned if I don’t listen to her and I know it’ll hinder my mental progress. I’m thinking of contacting uni to ask if I can remove her from trusted contacts or whatever but I’m scared. I don’t know where to start or who to contact.

I hope you are doing ok at this time - it sounds like there is a lot happening, and I just want to make sure you know that there are people here to help you and to listen. I haven't got any new recommendations but am hoping I can signpost you to the best way to reach out to some of the suggested services. My first suggestion is to reach out to the University directly - if you feel comfortable approaching your Personal Tutor they would be a good starting point and can help you to navigate the best places to go for further support. Otherwise, I would suggest reaching out to our wellbeing team (I am sure you have previously, but it sounds like you could still do with a check in). Their online chat runs every weekday from 2pm - 4pm so could be a good way to get a more immediate response: Wellbeing Services | Student Wellbeing | University of Exeter

You raise some concerns about whether the university will classify you a student, and it might be you would like some more anonymity as you work out what you want to do. In which case the Guild have an Advice Unit that you can reach out to who can provide support around welfare and estrangement. I think it might be worth reaching out to them to see what guidance and support they can give: A-Z of University and Guild Support Services - Student Life Hub (

As standard we would only share information with a prospective student unless there was a nominated contact. As I do not know what your record says I could not advise whether your Mother would receive any information. SID should be a useful starting point to understand if you have a nominated contact on your student record and assist with getting this updated if it is what you would like: SID | SID | University of Exeter

I am assuming you are outside of Exeter if you are at home so it is also worth looking at local services near you that might be able to support you. Looking out our webpages there is some support that you might be able to access if you register to a GP practice in Devon, otherwise you would need to look for similar things in your local area: Emotional and mental health support | Student Wellbeing | University of Exeter

Please do not rush with any decisions around returning/delaying your return and I hope that these different services can support you in working out what you need to do and protect your mental health. It is a bit of cliché but it is so important to speak to others, and hopefully one of these places will feel like the right place for seek out some help. Do let me know if there is any other services at the university I can help signpost you to, and please do take care of yourself.

University of Exeter Student Recruitment Team

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