I’m in year 11 almost finished with GCSEs, THE MOST ANNOYING THING HAPPENED. During my maths paper 2 I had such a bad migraine - I’ve never ever ever ever ever had a migraine like this before, my vision went blurry and I couldn’t see the questions properly, I didn’t raise my hand I just continued in the hopes it would go away but it never did until about 10-15 mins after the exam had ended. On maths paper 1 and paper 2 I did amazing, grade 9 quality and I was aiming for a 9. HOWEVER on this paper I kid you not I most likely got 30/80 and that’s the MAX I’ve calculated so I will most likely get a 7. Now this is annoying because I was aiming for a grade 9 and now I WONT EVEN BE ABLE TO GO TO MY SECOND CHOICE SIXTH FORM BECAUSE TO TAKE MATHS A LEVEL I NEED AN 8.
And the even more annoying thing is that me and my mum first went into school straight after my exam to explain what had happened THEN my school asked us to email again explaining. SO me and my mother both sent emails and they replied ‘we have passed this on to the relevant staff member’ , then my mum emailed after 4 days of no response and they emailed back ‘we have passed this on to the relevant staff member’ - IT HAS BEEN TWO WEEKS NOW AND NO EMAIL BACK FROM MY SCHOOL - the email my mum sent was regards to special consideration, TWO WEEKS AND NO REPLY BRO, I feel like this situation is incredibly unfair as I really could not control what happened in that exam and my school so unhelpful. I’ve literally been crying for the past 2 weeks and I promise I’m not immature but I’m honestly so angry and frustrated that my situation is not being handled fairly. Sorry for having to read my rant. Any advice would me much appreciated.