i have been struggling with my mental health throughout sixth form, i do Bio, Chem and psych but i’m only predicted Bs. due to the predicted grades- i applied for pharmacy as opposed to sitting the UCAT and going for dentistry (which is ultimately what i want). i have an offer for BBC for Newcastle Uni for pharmacy, which is a great opportunity but it really is not what i want to do.
i have sat most of my exams now and i don’t think i’ll be getting As, despite aiming for them and so i’m considering resitting.
i feel like the fact that i have really struggled mentally throughout my time in college has really caused that, though i don’t have any evidence of struggling with my mental health/ no mental health issue diagnoses etc- meaning that (even though i would argue that it is extenuating circumstances) it literally means nothing for a future application as i have no proof that i have struggled. i chose to not speak to anyone or ask for help and assumed that i’d be able to deal with it myself.
i really want dentistry and i understand how hard it can be to get into it, especially with resits as opposed to achieving your grades first time since there aren’t that many that allow resits without extenuating circumstances, and i’m wondering if i’m being naive or ridiculous and if i should just do pharmacy and settle for that even though i know id be unhappy in comparison to if i do dentistry.
please be kind, as this is a major issue for me rn and i genuinely am so lost as to what to do.