The Student Room Group

Loan for second UG degree

Hi there,
I hope you can help me.

I already received funding for a full-time three year Bachelor's course. I claimed both full tuition and maintenance loans. And went on to do my masters but that was funded.

What would I be eligible for if I take BSc occupational therapy as my second degree?

Some resources stipulate you can only receive a part time tuition fee loan, or would I be able to study this course full time?

Please help!! I'm so confused. If I can I'd much rather study full time.

Many thanks
Hi Jane,

Can you confirm what university you will attend and how many years does the course last? When does the course start?

Thanks, Drew
Reply 2
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi Jane,
Can you confirm what university you will attend and how many years does the course last? When does the course start?
Thanks, Drew
Hi it’s a 3 years degree and starts September 24. The course is at Wolverhampton university. Thank you
Hi Jane,

This course is classed as an exception course which means we do not take your previous study or qualifications into consideration. You would be eligible to apply for the Tuition Fee Loan, Maintenance Loan and Supplementary Grants if applicable to you.

Thanks, Drew

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