The Student Room Group

Where to find pharmacy work experience

I’m in Y12 and planning to study Pharmacy at Uni. I want to do some work experience over the summer (I already did a week of experience in Y10 and really enjoyed it). Is there anywhere to apply online or should I just go to some local pharmacies and ask in person?
Reply 1
Many Pharmacies no longer offer work-experience - but actually you dont need work experience to apply for Pharmacy.

What you do need is 'experience with people' and in particular, in dealing with people outside your comfort zone.
Any experience of 'customer service' is ideal - working in retail, hospitality, tourism etc - or volunteer work in a care-home, hospital, homeless-shelter, food-bank, special school etc.

Useful Moocs (short free online Uni courses) -
Healthcare Professional: Online Work Related Learning - FutureLearn
The NHS in England Explained - Online Course - FutureLearn

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