The Student Room Group

Always tired

I get 7-8 hours a sleep most days but I’m always feeling tired and my under eyes are always swollen i don’t really know how to improve my energy levels has anyone got advice…?!!!!
Original post by Anonymous
I get 7-8 hours a sleep most days but I’m always feeling tired and my under eyes are always swollen i don’t really know how to improve my energy levels has anyone got advice…?!!!!

7-8 is just slightly too low (you should be aiming for 8-9 at this age, especially when studying); the sleep-deprivation from that will build up slowly but it’ll get you eventually. You also need to eat healthy (lots of fruits and vegetables, very little junk foods, a good amount of dietary fat and protein slow down blood sugar spikes), limit caffeine to before 9am, exercise daily, and socialise in person regularly
Original post by Anonymous
I get 7-8 hours a sleep most days but I’m always feeling tired and my under eyes are always swollen i don’t really know how to improve my energy levels has anyone got advice…?!!!!

You need more sleep, experiment and see what works for you.
Reply 3
I'm exactly the same, I always have been. Is it possible that there could be an underlying problem? Such as anemia or CFS? I found out mine was due to anemia and CFS. I am still the same even after being on medication for it. My advice would be to see a GP if it's affecting you!
Also look at B12 deficiency.
I get awful day time sleepiness ( I just crash at certain points). Although that is related to my medical condition (DM1) I don’t think you have that as it’s a very rare condition. But it’s worth getting a check up with your GP to see if maybe there is a medical condition causing your tiredness you could also try more iron in your diet and make sure your eating well and everything.

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