The Student Room Group


Has anyone ever requested to change orthodontist?? I've had braces for around 3 years, but my old orthodontist left the practice and I was given a new one around December/January time. I've had around 3-4 appointments with my new orthodontist, but in the last 2, she's made mistakes that have caused me to have to come back in after my appointment time, and she doesn't seem to be focused when operating on me. Last appointment, she tried to put on a new brace bracket (even though she said she was going to make me wear elastics) on a molar, but she was struggling with it. It ended up popping off 10-20 minutes after i left the clinic without me eating or drinking. She hadn't been very open about how my treatment plan was progressing, so I'm really eager to ask for a new orthodontist to overview this last stage if the process. How should I go about this when asking?

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