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3rd a level option

i was initially looking to pick economics, business and geography but after doing research i don’t think business would be worth taking, so i was wondering what would be the best subject to take instead of business, apart from maths/any of the sciences?
Depends on what you want to do after school
Reply 2
Doing Business and Economics together is usually a waste of time - they are too similar and you will just get bored, and some Unis do not accept the two subjects together.

What other options do you have, and what do you intend to do / study after A levels?
Original post by jbxrron
i was initially looking to pick economics, business and geography but after doing research i don’t think business would be worth taking, so i was wondering what would be the best subject to take instead of business, apart from maths/any of the sciences?

Possibly politics. It fits well with Economics and doesnt class as an overlapping subject. The one issue you will have is that if you want to take Economics at university most leading universities will require Maths A level usually grade A because of its Mathematical contents.
The Maths A-level would be my suggestion. If you are willing to spend some time on it, then you will do well and it will keep your options open when you apply for degrees and/or apprenticeships. It also seems that you may be leaning into Econ/finance, in which case a good understanding of maths is essential.

I know a handful of people who didn't study maths and had to spend a summer self studying maths A-level topics to be able to keep up with their degree (PPE, biochem, and Geoscience degrees). So it may be worth considering studying it while you are at college.

Of course, if you have other interests then you should choose the corresponding A-level.

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