The Student Room Group

Got 2:2 law at RG uni. Appealing and next steps?

I got 58% overall. Should I try appeal all my 30 credit modules in 3rd year to see if I can scrape extra marks? I need 59.5% overall for 2:1 and I've got nothing to lose atp. What sorts of things should I gather for evidence and what grounds can I use effectively to maybe allow resits? I did switch medications during the exam period, for which I mitigated 1 week on one assignment (though I had asked for 2 weeks due to side effects), which ended up being submitted late anyway due to the close deadlines.

I've applied for an LLM and plan to work hard to achieve at least a 2:1 in that but I'm doubtful that I'd even obtain a TC with 2:2 at UG.

Could I get some advice on appealing strategy, an alternative plan to try secure TC (aka whether working as a paralegal until I obtain one is a good idea), other desirable jobs that don't require a TC but where a law degree and masters may be helpful, etc.

I know that this is going to limit my options but any helpful advice would be appreciated.

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