F/F early 20s
This is literally a last resort.
Everytime I try to communicate something, whether it’s something that was said or done that bothered me, I try my best to bring it up in a calm way. Just “when you said *** it made me feel ***”
If I have to apologise I do, when I know I’m feeling a bit extra sensitive I admit that and just say I need to get it off my chest so I can move on
But she immediately says no, she refuses to hear me out and tell me I’m too sensitive, to get over it, grow up, take a joke etc anything you can possibly think of as a bad reaction I’ve had it. She’ll swear, and just dismiss everything and say wtf and it’s so hurtful. It’s been nearly 8 months of this and she always tell me “there’s always something with you” and perhaps she’s right, bc I don’t feel calm, my nervous system isn’t calm because I know I can’t talk freely without an argument coming
Each time it happens I’m afraid I’m mentally checking out but I don’t want to be without her. I love her and been through a lot to just be with eachother. I just don’t know how to deal with such an angry and triggering partner when I myself am very sensitive and over thinker. When it’s good it’s good, but when it’s bad, it’s bad
We’re apart on the other side of the country for couple days and currently not on best of terms
Any advice other than the obvious break up would be great. Thank you