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I'm not there yet but have an unconditional offer to start in october... for A levels i got ABB and i'm just finishing a foundation. From what i have worked out, they like to see alot of exploration in art, and lots of work... like you've explored and now you're ready to settle into a profession... what course are you thinking of? They probably look for different things in different subjects i suppose, but i know someone who got in without even having an interview! Like you say it does seem pretty much portfolio based.... They didn't seem bothered about foundation for the qualification, but i think they just want that quality/quantity of experimentation...?
Reply 2
I'm going in september, but managed to get in with a D, however I did have a great interview.

It does say in the prospectus that you can overide the entry requirements with a good portfolio. I think it was my enthusiasm that got me in, I didn't stop talking in that interview.
Oh I didn't do a foundation either.

Hope this helps
Reply 3
The D wasn't for art by the way.
I don’t know very much about Winchester School of Art, however I have heard of the school. I had a look on the website ( and I came across this: Basically for an undergraduate degree if you have completed A Levels, a relevant BTEC National Diploma or a Foundation you are eligible to apply for any of the BA degrees offered.

If you want to apply straight from A Levels then one of the subjects will have to be an art or design-related subject and by the looks of it a typical offer is ABB. Personally I think the best option is to do a Foundation then apply to the BA degree you want, however in your case you’ve decided not to do the Foundation and go straight to university which is fine aslong as you have the grades they ask for and one art or design subject at either an A or a B. Also, a portfolio will have to be presented which is why I’d recommend a Foundation.

A lot of universities do prefer if you have completed a Foundation year and personally I’d encourage anyone wanting to pursue a degree in an art or design subject to do so. The Foundation year will allow you to experiment and develop as an artist or designer which you often cant do when taking an art/design A Level. It will give you the chance to expand on your current portfolio and one of the most important things when applying to any art or design subject is that you have a solid portfolio which demostrates you as an artist/designer. Although you most probably already have a portfolio together, there is always ways in which you can develop and experiment more. An A Level in art or design can at times limit you as you are obviously sticking to a syllabus where a Foundation will be more experimental.

If you do decide against a Foundation then the entry requirements state that this is accepted, but most universities will appericate the Foundation.
Reply 5
What course are you applying for?
I got into the Graphic Arts course this year, but declined them. I did a Foundation, but had a rubbish interview; really rushed and he didn't seem interested about the work in my portfolio and sketchbooks that he picked out when flicking through (I use flicking very literally). I was very surprised to see the offer after that experience, but then again I had AAA at A-level already so maybe that helped? Everyone else on my Foundation course who applied for the same course got in, and I don't think they all had ABB or higher, so I wouldn't worry. Of course, it might be different for Fine Art and Fashion/Textiles, if they're more competitive.

I don't think you'd necessarily need a Foundation for Winchester. It might help, but Winchester's BA programmes are very broad for the first year or so but then allow you to focus on a specialised area of study towards the end, so the first year might act a bit like a Foundation in introducing you to the different areas you can study. Having said that, they might favour a Foundation student over an A-level student. It might be worth going for it if you don't want to do Foundation, they certainly wouldn't rule you out for not having one.
Reply 6
I'd say it should be pretty easy to get onto a course at WSA!
The School has really gone down in qualityover the last ten years and now instead of providing the high quality Fine Art and Textile courses it based its reputation on is now driven by funding issues and getting student numbers up.
A huge marketing campaign in China and abroad seems to provide most of the students who probably don't know what they are in for!
The school has seen a lot of staff departures recently so you may not know or meet a tutor for your particular course and they have a habit of continually changing courses and closing or opening departments so it all feels very insecure..particularly if you are a student coming back to a half finished building and no idea of who is supposed to be taking the course this year.
As you probably can tell from the above I cannot recommend the establishment but if you cannot get in anywhere else then its worth a try.
Reply 7
I applied direct entry to the graphic arts course direct entry without art foundation and got made a conditional offer. I know of two other people in my year who were also made a conditional offer, also direct entry. As already mentioned the condition was that we get ABB.

I wouldn't take the previous poster's comment too much too heart; the graphic arts course is relatively new, but the school is very well established. When I went to the interview, I was told that the school is currently in the D&AD (the equivalent of the design oscars) top ten art schools. If you check out you'll be able to see that they did pretty well last year in the student awards and you'll also be able to compare them to other art unis.

One feeling I got about WSA from speaking to the interviewer and some students is that it's a pretty intense and pressurised environment; they really push students to keep up with their standards. But yeah, you can definitely get in without an art foundation.
I'm about to apply for the Postgraduate -- Design Management programme. Have you heard anything about it? Good and bad? I've been reading the forums and so far no one has really talked about the Design Management programme. I was accepted last year but I didn't take the offer, and I thinking of applying again for the October 2010 opening.

What do you think?:smile:
Reply 9
Hey Guys! I have my interview at Winchester School of Art on the 27th of this month, which is like 3 weeks away! I am so nervous, and really worried about getting in. I have just looked at their portfolio requirements and my portfolio does not consist of anything they would like to see, so I will be working my butt off for the next 3 weeks!! Does anybody know what the interview is like? and how intense it is?? =S Also the sort of questions they ask?? My heart is set on this uni and I would love to just ace through the interview!
Hey Guys! I have my interview at Winchester School of Art on the 27th of this month, which is like 3 weeks away! I am so nervous, and really worried about getting in. I have just looked at their portfolio requirements and my portfolio does not consist of anything they would like to see, so I will be working my butt off for the next 3 weeks!! Does anybody know what the interview is like? and how intense it is?? =S Also the sort of questions they ask?? My heart is set on this uni and I would love to just ace through the interview!
My boyfriend had an interview there and it was his first choice, but they were quite harsh in interview and they put him off going there, even though in the end he got a conditional offer. They may seem to not be interested in your work at interview but you could still get a place. :s-smilie:
Reply 11
:s-smilie: soo scared now!! What kinda stuff do they ask? and how much work did your boyfriend have in his portfolio?? I reallly want to get in :frown:
I had my interview quite a while ago and got a conditional for fine art, I haven't done a foundation.
The interview man was really nice and it was all very informal & the Qs were just to do with the work and weren't difficult (which is coming from me as I am v.shy)
so yeah---no need to worry (:
hope it went/goes ok
Reply 13
I had my interview quite a while ago and got a conditional for fine art, I haven't done a foundation.
The interview man was really nice and it was all very informal & the Qs were just to do with the work and weren't difficult (which is coming from me as I am v.shy)
so yeah---no need to worry (:
hope it went/goes ok

oh brilliant! Well Done!! I have my interview next week friday! so nerve racking!! I've applied for BA Hon Graphic Design, and they have asked to see alot of work which i don't have, including a book of art work, and i am awful at art!! I have been trying to do a few drawings but Im stuck for ideas, really don't know what they would like to see in my art book, you got any ideas?? Im very shy myself, which is why im so scared lol thanks for your help =) xxxxx
oh brilliant! Well Done!! I have my interview next week friday! so nerve racking!! I've applied for BA Hon Graphic Design, and they have asked to see alot of work which i don't have, including a book of art work, and i am awful at art!! I have been trying to do a few drawings but Im stuck for ideas, really don't know what they would like to see in my art book, you got any ideas?? Im very shy myself, which is why im so scared lol thanks for your help =) xxxxx

Thanks (:
man that sucks, umm I'm not sure because its probably different for graphics, but for fine art they want to see experimentation with lots of media, and individuality, sorry wish I could help more!
Good Luck again, I hope you get the offer!
Reply 15
Thanks (:
man that sucks, umm I'm not sure because its probably different for graphics, but for fine art they want to see experimentation with lots of media, and individuality, sorry wish I could help more!
Good Luck again, I hope you get the offer!

Thank you =) I hope i get the offer too!! =S xxxxx I'll most probably post the outcome of my interview on here lol take care xxxx
Reply 16
Hey, I had an interview at winchester school of art a few weeks ago for fine art and got a conditional offer. The interviewer was very nice and friendly . And it was very informal. Asking questions such as why winchester? ... and then just asking general questions about the work in my portfolio. And then at the end he asked if i had any questions. hope this helps :s-smilie: Good luck :smile:
Reply 17
Hey, I had an interview at winchester school of art a few weeks ago for fine art and got a conditional offer. The interviewer was very nice and friendly . And it was very informal. Asking questions such as why winchester? ... and then just asking general questions about the work in my portfolio. And then at the end he asked if i had any questions. hope this helps :s-smilie: Good luck :smile:

Thank you!!! I really appreciate you replying back =) Well done to you for getting in too! =) Im actually really crapping myself lol but i hope i do well! Thank you once again
I am studying at Winchester school of art this year. I think the quality there is good, I get a lot of tutorial support with guests coming in to give one off tutorials, also I go to three lectures a week this semester all of which are interesting and informative. I also have studio time and workshops, group tutorials and crits.
I'm on Fine Art. The graphics students seem to get a harder time than us with shorter projects and more crits, they do seem to pack a lot into the first year for graphics though.

The interview I had was pretty informal, they looked through my portfolio and asked why winchester and general questions about my work.
I had about 15 A1 sheets in my portfolio and 2 sketchbooks.

I don't think it's easy to get in but it's not the most difficault place, as long as you have good work and are enthusiastic about the course then you should get in.
Reply 19
SteelApathy, do you know anything about the Fashion and textiles deisgn course? How many lectures, tutorials etc do they get in the first year? And how the students on the course are finding it? I just wanted to know because I got an offer from them and I'm trying to decide whether to accept it or not. When I went for my interview I loved the feel of the place! :smile: Thanks!