The Student Room Group

Uni accom: :direct debit vs recurring card payment

Just applied for accomodation, which one is better to pay for future accom fees? And whats the difference between the 2?
Hi AVz4xo,
My name is Will, I'm a Media Production student at Bournemouth University.
It is ultimately what works best for you.
I often find that a direct debit is best for me as I know that the money will come out of my account regardless and I know it has been paid.
A recurring card payment is very similar but not exactly the same as it is something you set-up from your Internet Banking.
For halls of residence, I would recommend you use a direct debit as that will be paid directly to the company that operate your halls. Then if you decide to go into a house in your second/third years, as you will most likely be dealing with a private landlord, depending on how paying your rent is operated, a standing order/recurring card payment is often a good choice as a direct debit isn't able to be set-up.
I have linked here a guide for what is a Direct Debit: What is a Direct Debit?

I hope this helps
Will - BU Student Rep

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