The Student Room Group

Dry eyes

Does anyone here have dry eyes/blepharitis/MGD and how do you deal with them?
I've been proscribed a heat mask, eye drops, blephasol. I do it every day, have done it for nearly a month (i was diagnosed a month ago) and although there does seem to be some relief, lately my eyes have gone back to twitching, and they are still bloodshot
Have you tried placing water in your eyes?
Water is wet so its should work
Original post by Anonymous
Water is wet so its should work

are you a troll or are you genuinely thick
Original post by civicpride2506
are you a troll or are you genuinely thick

Did you just called me dumb is it not logic that if something is dry you just put something wet on it like water???
Original post by Anonymous
Did you just called me dumb is it not logic that if something is dry you just put something wet on it like water???

look up what "dry eyes" are. It's got nothing to do with putting water on them. You clearly don't have dry eyes so why offer advice on something you're not qualified on
Reply 6
Original post by civicpride2506
Does anyone here have dry eyes/blepharitis/MGD and how do you deal with them?
I've been proscribed a heat mask, eye drops, blephasol. I do it every day, have done it for nearly a month (i was diagnosed a month ago) and although there does seem to be some relief, lately my eyes have gone back to twitching, and they are still bloodshot

I use a dry eye spray, tried all that blepharitis stuff and didnt feel it did much. I use the spray every night before bed, and can always tell when iv forgot to use it. I just get a cheapish one like superdrugs own brand, dont need optrex ir whatever
Reply 7
Original post by civicpride2506
Does anyone here have dry eyes/blepharitis/MGD and how do you deal with them?
I've been proscribed a heat mask, eye drops, blephasol. I do it every day, have done it for nearly a month (i was diagnosed a month ago) and although there does seem to be some relief, lately my eyes have gone back to twitching, and they are still bloodshot

Use eye drops they help my mum
I find putting Vaseline on the skin around my eyes helps a bit, and not wearing contact lenses if you do currently
Reply 9
Also you should work on your nutrition.
In addition, do you take any other meds or have any other health issues?


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