Hello, I plan to interrupt my degree before starting my second year of law (i study at a typical oxbridge reject university). im worried about how this would affect my applications to VCs and TCs since i'll be applying with first year grades that would be a year old at that point. I plan to get tonnes of law work experience and stuff so yeah. any advice?
Hello, I plan to interrupt my degree before starting my second year of law (i study at a typical oxbridge reject university). im worried about how this would affect my applications to VCs and TCs since i'll be applying with first year grades that would be a year old at that point. I plan to get tonnes of law work experience and stuff so yeah. any advice?
Presumably you aren't interrupting for trivial reasons. It's either more important to interrupt or it's not. If it's important to interrupt, then presumably people assessing your academic record can be told and will understand.
Hello, I plan to interrupt my degree before starting my second year of law (i study at a typical oxbridge reject university). im worried about how this would affect my applications to VCs and TCs since i'll be applying with first year grades that would be a year old at that point. I plan to get tonnes of law work experience and stuff so yeah. any advice?
Echoing what has already been said, there is always an opportunity to explain mitigating circumstances in applications. If you have no choice but to interrupt your degree then this shouldn't have a negative impact on your application. Equally, if you are interrupting to take part in an opportunity which will give you good legal experience or transferrable skills that strengthen your pre-existing skillset then this will have its own benefits within the application process.