The Student Room Group

Part-time Job

I've just turned 15. I've been looking for a job for 3 years now. I need money to fund myself because my parents both get an under average salary so don't say "don't waste your teen years." This is ABSOLUTELY necessary. I live in a small area and can't find anywhere that would hire someone under 18. I don't even look 15, which puts some employers off. I can't really travel very far because of my parents and the cost of fuel. Every job I see says that flexible hours are needed but I'm in school every day of the week until 4pm (obvs not now BC it's summer but I really need a lasting job) and I have loads of clubs and volunteering I have to attend to build up a university resume. I really don't know what to do and I feel hopeless. Does anyone have any advice?
Original post by boredoutofmymind
I've just turned 15. I've been looking for a job for 3 years now. I need money to fund myself because my parents both get an under average salary so don't say "don't waste your teen years." This is ABSOLUTELY necessary. I live in a small area and can't find anywhere that would hire someone under 18. I don't even look 15, which puts some employers off. I can't really travel very far because of my parents and the cost of fuel. Every job I see says that flexible hours are needed but I'm in school every day of the week until 4pm (obvs not now BC it's summer but I really need a lasting job) and I have loads of clubs and volunteering I have to attend to build up a university resume. I really don't know what to do and I feel hopeless. Does anyone have any advice?

Most places (especially the bigger companies) wont take on under 16's because a) all the rules and regulations surrounding employing them and b) you dont have a national insurance number until just before you turn 16. Some companies also require you to have finished school (i.e. the end of june in year 11).
You can get a paper round from age 13. You might be able to get something such as leaflet delivering if there is anything like that in your area.
Cafes and restaurants (the smaller independent ones rather than the chain one) might be worth a try.
Original post by boredoutofmymind
I've just turned 15. I've been looking for a job for 3 years now. I need money to fund myself because my parents both get an under average salary so don't say "don't waste your teen years." This is ABSOLUTELY necessary. I live in a small area and can't find anywhere that would hire someone under 18. I don't even look 15, which puts some employers off. I can't really travel very far because of my parents and the cost of fuel. Every job I see says that flexible hours are needed but I'm in school every day of the week until 4pm (obvs not now BC it's summer but I really need a lasting job) and I have loads of clubs and volunteering I have to attend to build up a university resume. I really don't know what to do and I feel hopeless. Does anyone have any advice?

depending where you live some theme parks do take under 18's could give that a try :smile:
I admire your work ethic and drive but it is going to be very hard to find a job at your age at the current time. I worked vegetable picking on a farm, collecting glasses in a pub and in a shoe shop at your age which are opportunities unlikely now.

It's a shame you feel obliged to do this because your family is poor.

Obviously we don't know your family's situation and constraints, such as disabilities, lone parent status, childcare responsibilities, outgoings like rent/mortgage.

However 2 adults over the age of 21 working full time (35 hours per week) at the National Minimum Wage can each earn at least £20820 per annum. After tax/NI, but excluding pension contributions, this comes out at £1,542.65 each, so a joint household income can be over £3,000 per month in this scenario (depending on pension contributions).

Perhaps you could look into self employment with your neighbours - babysitting, dog walking, mowing lawns/raking leaves, washing cars. Or do you live in an isolated rural area with limited public transport links?

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