The Student Room Group

Help!! Kingston Uni Nursing

Hi, I have been made a conditional offer to study nursing, I noticed on UCAS and the website that I will have to undergo occupational health checks, what would happen if I was deemed unfit to do this course? Would I be able to swap courses? I'm afraid I won't be able to study it because of OH. When I did a hospital placement in college OH deemed me unfit then, so I had to do virtual placement. I am just worried the same will happen as I have mental health problems.
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, I have been made a conditional offer to study nursing, I noticed on UCAS and the website that I will have to undergo occupational health checks, what would happen if I was deemed unfit to do this course? Would I be able to swap courses? I'm afraid I won't be able to study it because of OH. When I did a hospital placement in college OH deemed me unfit then, so I had to do virtual placement. I am just worried the same will happen as I have mental health problems.

I have not heard about a case like this before, but you will be ok. I believe you just have to do an 9nline interview to get in
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, I have been made a conditional offer to study nursing, I noticed on UCAS and the website that I will have to undergo occupational health checks, what would happen if I was deemed unfit to do this course? Would I be able to swap courses? I'm afraid I won't be able to study it because of OH. When I did a hospital placement in college OH deemed me unfit then, so I had to do virtual placement. I am just worried the same will happen as I have mental health problems.


Firstly congratulations on your offer! I would say this is a question that the admissions team may be able to help with.

Here are there contact details [email protected]

I hope this helps and good luck!
-Grace (Kingston Rep)
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, I have been made a conditional offer to study nursing, I noticed on UCAS and the website that I will have to undergo occupational health checks, what would happen if I was deemed unfit to do this course? Would I be able to swap courses? I'm afraid I won't be able to study it because of OH. When I did a hospital placement in college OH deemed me unfit then, so I had to do virtual placement. I am just worried the same will happen as I have mental health problems.


As someone who has a mental health condition, this is my experience. OH looks at what recommendation they can make for you. If the recommendations become too much OH professionals advise you and you can look at what can be taken out. It is okay if you have mental health conditions as long as they are managed at a certain level and do not put you or your patients at risk. If you have a severe mental health condition (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder etc) but it is managed or a general mental health condition but you can keep yourself and others safe through my experience you will be okay.

As a Kingston student, you will be invited to an OH appointment if you declare your condition in the same form you are asked for immunisation information. So it is your choice if you would go for OH appointment in the first place. You would though have to have all the vaccinations necessary.

I would still declare and get some recommendations. For me, I asked for reasonable adjustments such as placement being closer together, not doing nightshift and instructions to be short and clear. OH tends to be more about what can they do to help you and being not fit to practise is a last stop, if that makes sense.

I would, also talk to the course lead for your course about your concerns. They are very friendly.

Which field of nursing are you interested in?

Hristiana (Kingston rep)
1st Year Mental health Nursing student
(edited 7 months ago)
Reply 4
Original post by Kingston Reps
As someone who has multiple conditions, this is my experience. OH looks at what recommendation they can make for you. If the recommendations become too much OH professionals advise you and you can look at what can be taken out. It is okay if you have mental health conditions as long as they are managed at a certain level and do not put you or your patients at risk. If you have a severe mental health condition but it is managed or a general mental health condition but you can keep yourself and others safe through my experience you will be okay.
As a Kingston student, you will be invited to an OH appointment if you declare your condition in the same form you are asked for immunisation information. So it is your choice if you would go for OH appointment in the first place. You would though have to have all the vaccinations necessary.
I would still declare and get some recommendations. For me, I asked for reasonable adjustments such as placement being closer together, not doing nightshift and instructions to be short and clear. OH tends to be more about what can they do to help you and being not fit to practise is a last stop, if that makes sense.
I would, also talk to the course lead for your course about your concerns. They are very friendly.
Which field of nursing are you interested in?
Hristiana (Kingston rep)
1st Year Mental health Nursing student

Thank you so much, this made me feel better! I applied to do Adult Nursing but I have found I am more interested in Mental Health Nursing. Do you know whether it is possible to swap course from Adult Nursing to Mental Health Nursing?
Original post by Anonymous
Thank you so much, this made me feel better! I applied to do Adult Nursing but I have found I am more interested in Mental Health Nursing. Do you know whether it is possible to swap course from Adult Nursing to Mental Health Nursing?

Check clearing, if it’s not available on there then the course is most likely to be full. Email or call the department and they may be able to transfer you onto the other programme though!
Original post by Anonymous
Thank you so much, this made me feel better! I applied to do Adult Nursing but I have found I am more interested in Mental Health Nursing. Do you know whether it is possible to swap course from Adult Nursing to Mental Health Nursing?

Good morning,

Usually, it is possible to swap in the first few weeks. Unfortunately, there are fewer available places in Mental Health Nursing than in Adult nursing.

So most people were able to transfer from mental health to adult, but no one (that I know of) was able to transfer from adult to mental health. I would still speak to admissions but they will likely ask you to make a clearing application.

What are your thoughts about this?
Let me know if you need more information about MH nursing.

Hristiana (Kingston rep)
1st Year Mental health Nursing student
Original post by Kingston Reps
As someone who has a mental health condition, this is my experience. OH looks at what recommendation they can make for you. If the recommendations become too much OH professionals advise you and you can look at what can be taken out. It is okay if you have mental health conditions as long as they are managed at a certain level and do not put you or your patients at risk. If you have a severe mental health condition (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder etc) but it is managed or a general mental health condition but you can keep yourself and others safe through my experience you will be okay.
As a Kingston student, you will be invited to an OH appointment if you declare your condition in the same form you are asked for immunisation information. So it is your choice if you would go for OH appointment in the first place. You would though have to have all the vaccinations necessary.
I would still declare and get some recommendations. For me, I asked for reasonable adjustments such as placement being closer together, not doing nightshift and instructions to be short and clear. OH tends to be more about what can they do to help you and being not fit to practise is a last stop, if that makes sense.
I would, also talk to the course lead for your course about your concerns. They are very friendly.
Which field of nursing are you interested in?
Hristiana (Kingston rep)
1st Year Mental health Nursing student

I’m in a similar position and have been invited for an OH appointment due to disclosing my mental health issues. I’m worried as I was hospitalised previously this year but am doing much better now but because on the form it asks you to be specific I fear that they’ll say it’s too close in time for me to do the course as it’s mental health nursing I want to do.
Reply 8
Original post by Anonymous
I’m in a similar position and have been invited for an OH appointment due to disclosing my mental health issues. I’m worried as I was hospitalised previously this year but am doing much better now but because on the form it asks you to be specific I fear that they’ll say it’s too close in time for me to do the course as it’s mental health nursing I want to do.

They have asked me to attend an appointment too, I’m really scared :frown: Hopefully we will both be okay
Original post by Anonymous
They have asked me to attend an appointment too, I’m really scared :frown: Hopefully we will both be okay

Let’s hope
Reply 10
Original post by Anonymous
Let’s hope

if you need anyone to talk to i am always here :smile: my tsr account is elliefitz for whenever you need to talk 💗 i can understand how nerve wracking it is waiting but im sure its just to check how they can support us in anyway x
Original post by Anonymous
if you need anyone to talk to i am always here :smile: my tsr account is elliefitz for whenever you need to talk 💗 i can understand how nerve wracking it is waiting but im sure its just to check how they can support us in anyway x

hey I’ll add you now, I had my phone call and it went well! How did yours go? Thanks so much x
Original post by Anonymous
hey I’ll add you now, I had my phone call and it went well! How did yours go? Thanks so much x

They need me to attend another one in a week or two I’m waiting for them to send me a message x

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