The Student Room Group

Can I get into Cambridge for a MASt in Mathematical Statistics?

Here are my qualifications:

Grade: 92% from a top research institute in my country
Research papers: 1 published at a top journal, 2 pending, went to two research internships
LORs(2): Excellent, from my research internship program mentors
SOP: Looks decent, can't judge my own SOP honestly
IELTS: 8.5
GRE: 335

What other factors matter here?
(edited 7 months ago)
Reply 1
What matters is that you are prepared for the part III courses. Look at the Part III courses that you want to take and then see if your background meets or exceeds the prerequisites. For example, the Topics in Statistical Theory prerequisites state that "A good background in undergraduate probability theory, elements of linear algebra and real analysis. Measure theory is not necessary but may be helpful." Additionally, look at Part I and Part II to see the courses that Cambridge undergraduates have taken. That is the preparation level you need to be at to do well in the program. Cambridge undergraduates take measure theory, have you? At the end of the day, the admissions committee wants to admit students who have the grades and background to do well in the program. Your recommendation letters from your mathematics professors should reflect this as well. Also, the GRE is not required for this program. What I wonder, is that given your background stats above, have you considered applying directly to PhD programs in the US instead? For these programs recommendations letters (3 are usually required) are important

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