The Student Room Group

Mental Health

Hi guys, I am planning to move to Cardiff. However, I can't do that without a full-time job so I can afford rent My old university mate whom I recently got in touch has offered me cheap rent. I told my job that I was doing an AI course but then scratched that off as I had already gained two degrees.

My dad is excellent at giving good career advice and thinks an AI course is what you should do if you want to work in the gaming industry. I have been to university and done that the last thing I want to do is another degree and invest more money spending on a course.

I have sent emails to my boss and said I'm not doing the course anymore and just said that I am planning on moving into the City. However I have not received a reply and it's been like a month, I haven't seen my old friend and do not know whether or not it is a good idea to live with him.

As we have had a group of friends before but we drifted apart and one of my other friends does not speak to him anymore due to personal reasons. So yeah If I do not get a job in Cardiff I'm ****ed and not doing the AI course and my parents are in a financial crisis and they had to take all my work money away.

So all the money I've worked for has been taken that I saved up which is a lot. My parents are cash-poor and asset-rich. We are a working-class family so it's not like we are poor we just currently have a bit of a financial situation. And not sure how long till I get paid back my money.

I Apologise if this is a bit personal and long I just need to get an idea of what should I do or what you guys think is the best solution.

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