
I'm currently in year 12, going to be applying for joint hons philosophy and politics next year. Super excited!!!
I've been to four open days recently (Bristol, Warwick, York, Nottingham, with Southampton to follow this weekend), and I've loved all of them.
However, Nottingham was by far my favourite - taster sessions were really engaging, loved the campus, general vibe, etc. Bristol would be a close second, too.
The problem is, it's ranked far lower than all of the others (bar Southampton) for my courses and the Russell Group overall.
I've heard that courses ranking between 10th-25th don't really have much difference between them, but I've had a big focus on 'prestige' in the past.
My Dad in particular puts a lot of emphasis on rankings (it's all he asks when I bring up the courses) - the only one he really approves of me applying to is Warwick as it's 5th and 6th. Idk if I'm just sensitive but it feels like wherever I'm applying isn't good enough for him.
However, while I loved Warwick academically, I don't like the campus one bit - what I like about Nottingham is that it's campus, but right on the city, not the middle of nowhere (and I don't fancy living in the surrounding area of Warwick after first year).
I also don't like how purpose-built and 'fake' Warwick felt, plus the idea of the 'Warwick bubble' sounds like I'd go stir-crazy.
I can really see myself at and love Nottingham (might be going back for a 2nd open day with my twin in the autumn), but would I be stupid or wasting my potential to go to the lowest ranked out of my options if I end up getting offers from all of them?
(For reference, Warwick and Bristol want AAA, Nottingham AAB, got three A*s in mocks so will probably be predicted A*AA to account for coursework)
I feel like I know the answer already, but I would appreciate some advice, especially as I'm really being pushed towards Warwick.
Thank you!