The Student Room Group
Learning at Imperial College London
Imperial College London

Imperial student life 2024

Hey! I just wanted to start a new discussion around imperial social life etc since all the other threads are from like 11 years ago!😂
Are the rumours about Imperial's lack of social life still true, or has it changed now?
Thanks 🫶
Reply 1
The Rumours are true only if you believe them! I just finished 1st year and honestly have had such a sick time socially. Really good friends etc, plus you're in London aswell which is madness, you'll meet people from other unis. You'll always find people you get on with, you just have to look for them!
Learning at Imperial College London
Imperial College London
Reply 2
Thank you this was helpful!! ☺️ X
made some good mates with people at my accom people on my course are bots though. In freshers at events you'll talk to loads of people and have lots of conversation but a lot of them don't actually going anywhere in terms of actually making freinds
Reply 4
Hope you don't mind me asking, but what course are you on?
Original post by Chloe_8206
Hope you don't mind me asking, but what course are you on?

Reply 6
Ok, thanks
Reply 7
Original post by shamster21
made some good mates with people at my accom people on my course are bots though. In freshers at events you'll talk to loads of people and have lots of conversation but a lot of them don't actually going anywhere in terms of actually making freinds

Do u know if ppl in the dept of computing are bots or cool?
Original post by Jam.123
Do u know if ppl in the dept of computing are bots or cool?

Bots for the most part imo, but you can always find some people you like
Reply 9
Original post by Jam.123
Do u know if ppl in the dept of computing are bots or cool?

two of my closest mates are compsci. Ones a mentalist that does loads of urbexing and the others super into music and djing so not all bots

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