The Student Room Group

A-level resources

So some of my A-level choices are quite niche/ unpopular and I’m really struggling to find good resources for them online. I’ve asked my teachers and they’ve pointed me towards some good textbooks and things like that but to find example answers and walk-throughs of past papers is almost impossible. I was wondering if other people had this problem and how they overcame it.
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Original post by Danilchapil
So some of my A-level choices are quite niche/ unpopular and I’m really struggling to find good resources for them online. I’ve asked my teachers and they’ve pointed me towards some good textbooks and things like that but to find example answers and walk-throughs of past papers is almost impossible. I was wondering if other people had this problem and how they overcame it.

what subjects r u doing
Original post by Danilchapil
So some of my A-level choices are quite niche/ unpopular and I’m really struggling to find good resources for them online. I’ve asked my teachers and they’ve pointed me towards some good textbooks and things like that but to find example answers and walk-throughs of past papers is almost impossible. I was wondering if other people had this problem and how they overcame it.

I had a similar problem with one of my subjects when I was taking my A levels. I asked my teachers to come up with a couple of questions that are similar in style to what I might see in my exams - it was an essay subject so it helped that I could practice it. There were only a few past papers but I studied the mark schemes for them, and did them all twice. I did it once early on in my revision and again at the end, so I could get as much out of them as possible.
The good thing is, everyone else taking these subjects will be in a similar position, so it shouldn't disadvantage you overall.
I hope this helps! Good luck with it all!
Evie (4th year medic at UoS)

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