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Is it bad to feel better about myself that I have more female followers than him?

I am a 23 year old guy who sadly never had a girlfriend before, been on only 1 first date in Sept 2023 at the age of 22, hugged only 2 girls in person and never kissed a girl yet and usually I feel bad about myself because of it. But I still feel that at least I am better than this guy(lets call him P) who is 25 now and was my classmate during undergrad days. Yeah he started his undergrad 2 years later and we completed our undergrad in Electronics engineering last year and I am studying MBA now whereas idk what he is really doing now. I live in Bangalore in Southern part of India which is one of the 6 major metropolitan cities of India but I was born in Siliguri in West Bengal in India which is a tier 2 city whereas P is from a rural part of Kolar in Southern India about 200 km from Bangalore but came to the city for his undergrad in engineering so he never really had female interaction so in undergrad days too he never really talked to girls but even I didn't as I was shy in school days and as my undergrad was in engineering, the gender ratio was really skewed with much more male students than female students.
But things improved for me after I started my MBA last year July after completing my undergrad whereas P went back to his hometown in Kolar. The MBA had a more balanced gender ratio and even though I was a bit shy, I was at least talking with girls and got a close female friend with whom I hanged out on the Bengali festival Durga Puja in October 2023 and had lunch in a nice restaurant. Chatted with a girl on Instagram for 8 months but unfortunately she ghosted me. Also went on a date with a girl to the mall in Sept 2023 and got my first hug but sadly it was also my last date with her. Had crush on a girl in my MBA for 7 months and I would gave her chocolates twice and she too called me cute few times and we had some conversations even though she started it. Sadly even though I got infatuated with a prettier girl in the University which led to my previous crush not talking to me, I still hugged her which means I hugged one of the prettiest girl in my University even though she was never into. P living in Kolar with no female interaction has never really done these. He has a total of 106 followers on Instagram whereas I have a total of 139-140 followers on Instagram which might not seem like a huge difference but he has only 10 female followers (1 or 2 of them are family members) whereas I have 68-69 female followers which is a huge difference. Plus I have also talked with 2 foreign women who came to Bangalore as expats as the city is the big IT hub of India. One of them was French and the other one was German and I bet P never did it.
The reason why I feel better about myself compared to P is because he was a really toxic person himself. He was bad in studies and he basically used me to take help from for his studies and even took reference books from me but he suddenly started ignoring me for no reason and when I tried talking to him, he started calling me a dog and being very rude. So yeah I am happy that I am better than him when it comes to girls.
(edited 7 months ago)
I won’t discuss the stuff with women and lack of experience. But regarding followers, you’re aligning external validation with internal meaning. Never a healthy thing as those followers don’t really matter, it’s not real human connection.
It all sounds a bit petty tbh, letting the guy live rent free in your head and so on.
Original post by StriderHort
It all sounds a bit petty tbh, letting the guy live rent free in your head and so on.

I agree. I wouldn't compare myself to another person to that level. It's a bit concerning that you're actually counting how many female followers this person has and which are family...
Reply 4
Nevermind, you'll grow up one day and read this again and wonder what you were thinking... oh, wait that's right. You told everyone about the unimportant things because yu're young aand your hormones are driving you crazy without you realising it. Guy, forget about women. Concentrate on yourself and they will be attracted to you because of who you are as a person in the habitat you maintain. Forget the other people, they are not you and the FAME feeling of how many fans you have is ephemeral. Click your fingers and it is gone just like that.
You are the point of your life, not the girls, not the frenemy, you and only you.

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