Hi, I'm going into year 12 in September but am struggling with picking A-levels. I have nothing that I know I defnitely would want to do at university so am mainly just trying to pick a broader range of A-levels that I am interested in. I want to do Maths and Further Maths as I enjoy it and know that they're useful for a wide range of subjects. I also want to do Economics as it's interesting and also is more of an essay based subject, which can help me develop skills there.
However I am stuck between choosing a science (Bio/Chem/Phys) and Philosophy for my final one. I always thought a science would be useful for showing skills and also broadening horizons (I also enjoy all of them hence why I haven't specified one yet). However, I've read many posts about how useful philosophy is for developing skills which are good for universities etc.
Am I missing out on oppotunities if I don't take a science? I've always been more interested in STEM subjects but Philosophy and History etc. also stick out to me as interesting.
If anyone does or has done any of the sciences or Philosophy for A-level, what was your experience like, and is there something I wouldn't know that would perhaps make the decision easier?
Thank you!