The Student Room Group

How do study science

hi everyone,

could someone please recommend some effective study resources and methods/tips for aqa bio, chem and physics separate sciences.

i already use pmt, flash revision lab, bbc bitesize and quizlet so anything other than this would be useful!
Original post by AN.3103
hi everyone,
could someone please recommend some effective study resources and methods/tips for aqa bio, chem and physics separate sciences.
i already use pmt, flash revision lab, bbc bitesize and quizlet so anything other than this would be useful!

cognito is the best thing EVER they have a website they condense the spec organised by topic and dont miss anything have questions at the end of each vid etc i binged watched cognito the day before my gcse for all 3 sciences and got 9s ! they word stuff exactly like the mark scheme too its literally so amazing and sm better than free science lessons in my opinion but i still love shaun 😭 but i never used then cuz they miss stuff out and sometimes say the wrong things which me and my classmate who uses free scince lessons discussed answers after our exam

anyway they explain it so well and its the only resource i used
Original post by AN.3103
hi everyone,
could someone please recommend some effective study resources and methods/tips for aqa bio, chem and physics separate sciences.
i already use pmt, flash revision lab, bbc bitesize and quizlet so anything other than this would be useful!

I’m selling my grade 9 biology AQA higher separate sciences flashcards!
Message me if you want to reserve a pack of flashcards! xx

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