The Student Room Group

Didn’t meet the AP requirements, could I still get in?

Hey everyone,

I applied to study Psychology at Goldsmiths back in January and was thrilled to receive an offer. However, one of the requirements was to pass 2 AP exams with a score of 3 or more, including AP English Language. Unfortunately, I didn't meet these requirements.

For anyone has been in a similar situation applying to Goldsmiths, what should I do next? Could they be lenient when it comes to that?

Goldsmiths has been my dream uni for years, and I just can’t see myself going anywhere else.

I’d appreciate any help
(edited 3 months ago)
Reply 1
can't speak for the AP (and you're unlikely to find anyone who will) but goldsmiths will probably have places in clearing and psychology could well be among them

check out
Reply 2
I also have this problem!!
Sorry about barging with unrelated questions but since I myself will take APs, does Literature or Composition have advantages over one another?

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