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How do you cope with year 13?

How do you cope with the fear of year 13? Like I’m struggling now with year 12 achieving B for mocks and I’m scared of how bad year 13 is it’s making me reconsider taking the ucat. I need help with a method to prevent burnout and coping with the stress and guilt for not revising for a week
Original post by soffiyh
How do you cope with the fear of year 13? Like I’m struggling now with year 12 achieving B for mocks and I’m scared of how bad year 13 is it’s making me reconsider taking the ucat. I need help with a method to prevent burnout and coping with the stress and guilt for not revising for a week

Hi @soffiyh

Sometimes, year 13, despite being more challenging and stressful, can feel more manageable because you are used to your school, subjects, teachers, etc.

While at university, I found my first and second years tougher than my third year despite my third year being the most challenging. That was because I was used to everything and could manage my workload much better.

When it comes to revision, it’s essential not to overdo it. Do smaller sessions more often, rather than trying to revise for hours after school one day and then feeling burnt out for the rest of the week. Another tip is to ensure your body is well-rested and nourished. Using your brain uses a lot of energy, so you will probably need more sleep, food, and water. Look after your mental health, too. Make sure you have a hobby or sport (preferably some movement) that you can do to take your mind off of schoolwork. That was something that absolutely helped me when revising for exams. It's crucial to give your brain a proper break. It's exhausting to always think about revisions/exams.

You probably know all this already, but sometimes a reminder is helpful. You will get through it :smile:

Good luck, and enjoy the sun when it comes out!

BCU Student Rep.
Original post by soffiyh
How do you cope with the fear of year 13? Like I’m struggling now with year 12 achieving B for mocks and I’m scared of how bad year 13 is it’s making me reconsider taking the ucat. I need help with a method to prevent burnout and coping with the stress and guilt for not revising for a week

Hi Soffiyh!

Year 13 can be challenging so my best advice is try and prepare in advance. I would try and make sure you start early with revision and find a method which works for you!

For a-levels, I found that past papers worked really well as you can learn content whilst learning exam technique at the same time. Active recall is also a great way to study.

Make sure you take time to look after yourself as well. Making sure you're sleeping well and eating properly is really important!

If you have any other questions or want me to go more in depth, let me know!

-Rebecca, UCLan
Reply 3
Original post by soffiyh
How do you cope with the fear of year 13? Like I’m struggling now with year 12 achieving B for mocks and I’m scared of how bad year 13 is it’s making me reconsider taking the ucat. I need help with a method to prevent burnout and coping with the stress and guilt for not revising for a week

With revision, be consistent and take breaks to avoid burnout. Strong subject knowledge is fundamental for exam success so don't hesitate to ask for help and make a habit of doing exam-style questions for revision. Start making revision material early on so you are prepped for the summer exams. Above all, accept that it will be a challenging time but you can absolutely do well if you put in the work and look after yourself!

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