The Student Room Group

Should I start revising?

I have just started year 10 and I have had my second day today.
(I don’t know if this happens at anyone else’s school but 2 weeks before summer holidays we ‘roll up’ into our new classes and begin the next year early. I know this seems insignificant but I have already started coursework in iMedia that will count for my final grade so it is somewhat relevant.)

I think it is a good time to start preparing for my GCSES with revision! However, I have heard of people getting burnt out from doing lots of revision early on so I’m torn on what to do.

Im planning on making a revision timetable for all my lessons.

- Geography AQA
- Creative iMedia OCR
- Higher Maths AQA
- English Literature AQA
- English Language AQA
- Higher Science (Synergy) AQA
- Statistics AQA
- Business AQA

I also am planning to do further maths in year 11, but it is unclear how that works at my school. I have been told that if we get high enough grades in maths we can do an extra gcse for further maths which I am interested in.

I would like to know how to prevent burn out, or if i should even make this big of a step at all. What are your thoughts?
Hi im predicted decent gcse grades and in year 10 I:

Focused a lot on my art coursework- make sure your coursework is all up to date because you wont have much time for it once mocks start up fully and you have to work on revision in year 11 so make sure you wont have to work extra for it later for

Made revision resources as I went for History and English- do this for any subjects you think you might struggle to remember the content for so you can just get stuck in to revision when you need to rather than having to find or make resources (do this for all your subjects if you’d really like to be prepared)

Made sure I understood new content completely as I learnt it- dont allow knowledge gaps to form if you can help it

Happy to give any specific tips on Maths, English and Science but that’s just some general guidance based on my experience- hope you find it helpful :smile:
Reply 2
Hi! The thing that worked for me was to revise in 20 minute chunks and have a break after each one. Even just getting a drink or stretching my legs helped! After having a small break I could then focus on the next 20 minute chunk.

As you are now only just in Y10 I would focus first on learning all the content but if revision cards work for you then start making them straight away! Perhaps each evening make revision cards for the lessons you had that day. Or you could make revision cards at the end of each week to consolidate your learning of the week.

Practice questions also helped me a lot but I preferred to do this nearer to my exams after revising using revision cards. I hope this helps! Good luck :smile:
Reply 3
Original post by ellarb272
Hi! The thing that worked for me was to revise in 20 minute chunks and have a break after each one. Even just getting a drink or stretching my legs helped! After having a small break I could then focus on the next 20 minute chunk.
As you are now only just in Y10 I would focus first on learning all the content but if revision cards work for you then start making them straight away! Perhaps each evening make revision cards for the lessons you had that day. Or you could make revision cards at the end of each week to consolidate your learning of the week.
Practice questions also helped me a lot but I preferred to do this nearer to my exams after revising using revision cards. I hope this helps! Good luck :smile:

Reply 4
Original post by DerDracologe
Hi im predicted decent gcse grades and in year 10 I:

Focused a lot on my art coursework- make sure your coursework is all up to date because you wont have much time for it once mocks start up fully and you have to work on revision in year 11 so make sure you wont have to work extra for it later for

Made revision resources as I went for History and English- do this for any subjects you think you might struggle to remember the content for so you can just get stuck in to revision when you need to rather than having to find or make resources (do this for all your subjects if you’d really like to be prepared)

Made sure I understood new content completely as I learnt it- dont allow knowledge gaps to form if you can help it

Happy to give any specific tips on Maths, English and Science but that’s just some general guidance based on my experience- hope you find it helpful :smile:

Thank you!

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